📚 node [[agora | the agora]]
Welcome! Nobody has contributed anything to 'agora | the agora' yet. You can:
  • Write something in the document below!
    • There is at least one public document in every node in the Agora. Whatever you write in it will be integrated and made available for the next visitor to read and edit.
  • Write to the Agora from social media.
    • If you follow Agora bot on a supported platform and include the wikilink [[agora | the agora]] in a post, the Agora will link it here and optionally integrate your writing.
  • Sign up as a full Agora user.
    • As a full user you will be able to contribute your personal notes and resources directly to this knowledge commons. Some setup required :)
⥅ related node [[agora repository]]
⥅ related node [[agora2]]
⥅ related node [[roam2agora]]
⥅ related node [[agora faq]]
⥅ related node [[agora]]
⥅ related node [[anagora]]
⥅ related node [[connecting to the agora]]
⥅ related node [[anagora coop]]
⥅ related node [[towards the agora]]
⥅ related node [[3 agora]]
⥅ related node [[a view of the agora at a node is a comonad]]
⥅ related node [[agora 0 5 1]]
⥅ related node [[agora 2022]]
⥅ related node [[agora 3]]
⥅ related node [[agora abstract]]
⥅ related node [[agora action]]
⥅ related node [[agora actions]]
⥅ related node [[agora activitypub integration]]
⥅ related node [[agora algorithm]]
⥅ related node [[agora api]]
⥅ related node [[agora apis]]
⥅ related node [[agora architecture]]
⥅ related node [[agora bootstrap]]
⥅ related node [[agora bot bugs]]
⥅ related node [[agora bot matrix]]
⥅ related node [[agora bot]]
⥅ related node [[agora bridge api]]
⥅ related node [[agora bridge js]]
⥅ related node [[agora bridge]]
⥅ related node [[agora channels]]
⥅ related node [[agora chapter 2]]
⥅ related node [[agora chapter appendix]]
⥅ related node [[agora chapter final]]
⥅ related node [[agora chapter unlinked]]
⥅ related node [[agora chapter]]
⥅ related node [[agora chat]]
⥅ related node [[agora cli]]
⥅ related node [[agora client]]
⥅ related node [[agora clients]]
⥅ related node [[agora code]]
⥅ related node [[agora comments]]
⥅ related node [[agora commons]]
⥅ related node [[agora contexts]]
⥅ related node [[agora contract]]
⥅ related node [[agora convention]]
⥅ related node [[agora copyright]]
⥅ related node [[agora ctzn]]
⥅ related node [[agora dashboard]]
⥅ related node [[agora design]]
⥅ related node [[agora development]]
⥅ related node [[agora diagram]]
⥅ related node [[agora diagrams]]
⥅ related node [[agora discord]]
⥅ related node [[agora discus]]
⥅ related node [[agora discuss]]
⥅ related node [[agora doc]]
⥅ related node [[agora docs import]]
⥅ related node [[agora editor]]
⥅ related node [[agora editors]]
⥅ related node [[agora elinor ostrom]]
⥅ related node [[agora embed]]
⥅ related node [[agora es]]
⥅ related node [[agora exchange format]]
⥅ related node [[agora ext]]
⥅ related node [[agora faqs]]
⥅ related node [[agora feature requests]]
⥅ related node [[agora fediverse integration]]
⥅ related node [[agora feeds]]
⥅ related node [[agora for ea]]
⥅ related node [[agora forum]]
⥅ related node [[agora fuzzy matching]]
⥅ related node [[agora fw]]
⥅ related node [[agora go links integration]]
⥅ related node [[agora graph]]
⥅ related node [[agora graphs]]
⥅ related node [[agora help]]
⥅ related node [[agora hn]]
⥅ related node [[agora howto]]
⥅ related node [[agora hub]]
⥅ related node [[agora hypothesis integration]]
⥅ related node [[agora hypothesis]]
⥅ related node [[agora install]]
⥅ related node [[agora instances]]
⥅ related node [[agora integration]]
⥅ related node [[agora js]]
⥅ related node [[agora like]]
⥅ related node [[agora links]]
⥅ related node [[agora mastodon bot]]
⥅ related node [[agora mastodon integration]]
⥅ related node [[agora matrix bot]]
⥅ related node [[agora mediawiki integration]]
⥅ related node [[agora meet]]
⥅ related node [[agora music]]
⥅ related node [[agora nodes]]
⥅ related node [[agora of flancia]]
⥅ related node [[agora open questions]]
⥅ related node [[agora osm]]
⥅ related node [[agora outage]]
⥅ related node [[agora paper]]
⥅ related node [[agora participation]]
⥅ related node [[agora pkg book chapter]]
⥅ related node [[agora pkg book]]
⥅ related node [[agora pkg chapter]]
⥅ related node [[agora pkm chapter]]
⥅ related node [[agora pkmchat]]
⥅ related node [[agora plan]]
⥅ related node [[agora playlist edit]]
⥅ related node [[agora playlist]]
⥅ related node [[agora polls]]
⥅ related node [[agora project]]
⥅ related node [[agora promnesia]]
⥅ related node [[agora protocol]]
⥅ related node [[agora prs]]
⥅ related node [[agora publishing]]
⥅ related node [[agora push]]
⥅ related node [[agora ranking]]
⥅ related node [[agora reader]]
⥅ related node [[agora reading club]]
⥅ related node [[agora recipe]]
⥅ related node [[agora recipes]]
⥅ related node [[agora resources]]
⥅ related node [[agora rfc]]
⥅ related node [[agora rfcs]]
⥅ related node [[agora roadmap 2020]]
⥅ related node [[agora seach]]
⥅ related node [[agora search]]
⥅ related node [[agora server]]
⥅ related node [[agora service]]
⥅ related node [[agora settings]]
⥅ related node [[agora setup]]
⥅ related node [[agora shaped]]
⥅ related node [[agora signup]]
⥅ related node [[agora slides 2023]]
⥅ related node [[agora slides]]
⥅ related node [[agora social bridge]]
⥅ related node [[agora social media integration]]
⥅ related node [[agora space]]
⥅ related node [[agora speed]]
⥅ related node [[agora sync]]
⥅ related node [[agora talk 2021 06 04]]
⥅ related node [[agora talk]]
⥅ related node [[agora talks]]
⥅ related node [[agora tree example]]
⥅ related node [[agora trees]]
⥅ related node [[agora twitter bug]]
⥅ related node [[agora twitter integration]]
⥅ related node [[agora ui]]
⥅ related node [[agora v0 5]]
⥅ related node [[agora v1]]
⥅ related node [[agora version]]
⥅ related node [[agora versioning]]
⥅ related node [[agora vscode]]
⥅ related node [[agora walkthrough]]
⥅ related node [[agora wiki]]
⥅ related node [[agora yaml]]
⥅ related node [[agora youtube integration]]
⥅ related node [[agora4g]]
⥅ related node [[agorabot]]
⥅ related node [[agorai]]
⥅ related node [[agoras]]
⥅ related node [[an agora]]
⥅ related node [[an open letter to an agora]]
⥅ related node [[an open letter to the agora]]
⥅ related node [[anagora api]]
⥅ related node [[anti agora]]
⥅ related node [[antiagora]]
⥅ related node [[antiagoras]]
⥅ related node [[any agora]]
⥅ related node [[at json agora]]
⥅ related node [[building an agora]]
⥅ related node [[edit the agora]]
⥅ related node [[editar el agora]]
⥅ related node [[en flancia hay un agora]]
⥅ related node [[entities can be looked up in an agora]]
⥅ related node [[features of the agora]]
⥅ related node [[flanciagora]]
⥅ related node [[fork the agora]]
⥅ related node [[gemini agora]]
⥅ related node [[googlagora]]
⥅ related node [[historical agora]]
⥅ related node [[i could node in the agora all day and all night]]
⥅ related node [[if i had the means i d build an agora]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia there is an agora]]
⥅ related node [[infragora]]
⥅ related node [[it was in antiflancia that i saw the agora]]
⥅ related node [[join the agora]]
⥅ related node [[twitter agora bot]]
⥅ related node [[known agoras]]
⥅ related node [[laiki agora]]
⥅ related node [[matrix agora]]
⥅ related node [[onboarding to the agora]]
⥅ related node [[open agora questions]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to the agora of flancia]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to the agora]]
⥅ related node [[open letters to the agora]]
⥅ related node [[other agoras]]
⥅ related node [[ox agora]]
⥅ related node [[podagora]]
⥅ related node [[promnesia agora]]
⥅ related node [[publish agora el]]
⥅ related node [[reference agora]]
⥅ related node [[roaman agora]]
⥅ related node [[run your own agora]]
⥅ related node [[sensagora]]
⥅ related node [[shamanic agora]]
⥅ related node [[smart agora]]
⥅ related node [[the agora already existed]]
⥅ related node [[the agora as a social knowledge graph]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a garden of forking paths]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a liminal entity]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a markdown convention]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a markdown extension]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a markup convention]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a platform for studying convergence]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a social knowledge graph]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a social network built by the people for the people]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a technology]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a twitter app]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is an old kind of social network]]
⥅ related node [[the agora or building bridges]]
⥅ related node [[the agora]]
⥅ related node [[the agora a knowledge commons]]
⥅ related node [[things to do after agora chapter]]
⥅ related node [[this agora]]
⥅ related node [[tools of the agora]]
⥅ related node [[towards an agora]]
⥅ related node [[twitter agora integration]]
⥅ related node [[twitter could be an agora]]
⥅ related node [[using the agora]]
⥅ related node [[when the agora just works]]
⥅ related node [[you can run an agora in your laptop]]
⥅ related node [[agora node aliasing]]
⥅ related node [[agora user perspective]]
⥅ related node [[benedictine agora]]
⥅ related node [[indieweb agora]]
⥅ related node [[betula_in_agora]]
⥅ related node [[interwiki_for_agora]]
⥅ related node [[automatic commonplace to agora]]
⥅ related node [[comparing fedwiki and agora]]
⥅ related node [[content moderation in the agora]]
⥅ related node [[how would you link indieweb and agora]]
⥅ related node [[the electronic agora]]
⥅ related node [[what are the similarities and differences between agora and fedwiki]]
⥅ related node [[what do i think about the agora]]
⥅ related node [[20200721212226 anaxagoras]]
⥅ related node [[20200721224050 protagoras]]
⥅ related node [[agora todo]]
⥅ related node [[comparing zettelkasten and agora]]
⥅ related node [[fedwiki to agora markdown converter]]
⥅ related node [[agora containers]]
⥅ related node [[agora conventions]]
⥅ related node [[agora ctzn docs]]
⥅ related node [[agora ext feature ideas]]
⥅ related node [[agora git mapping]]
⥅ related node [[agora governance system]]
⥅ related node [[agora governance]]
⥅ related node [[agora groups]]
⥅ related node [[agora interlay graph]]
⥅ related node [[agora interlay howto]]
⥅ related node [[agora issues]]
⥅ related node [[agora obsidian plugin]]
⥅ related node [[agora proposal 1]]
⥅ related node [[agora proposal platform]]
⥅ related node [[agora proposal]]
⥅ related node [[agora proposals]]
⥅ related node [[agora server build docs]]
⥅ related node [[agorans]]
⥅ related node [[integration of the agora]]
⥅ related node [[wtf is the agora]]
⥅ related node [[run an agora]]
⥅ related node [[agora 2023]]
⥅ related node [[agora bot test]]
⥅ related node [[agora digital garden]]
⥅ related node [[agora platform]]
⥅ related node [[anagora bot treat]]
⥅ related node [[anagora bot]]
⥅ related node [[anagora vision]]
⥅ related node [[many agoras]]
⥅ related node [[sorry anagora bot]]
⥅ related node [[sorry anagora]]
⥅ related node [[thank you anagora bot]]
⥅ related node [[write a song about lady burup a beautiful tabby cat in the agora of flancia]]
⥅ node [[agora]] pulled by Agora

Welcome to [[boris mann]]'s section of the agora!

We're experimenting with [[Connecting to the Agora]], and what some of the configurations and conventions are. The [[Anagora]] page has my notes and feature requests.


  • This document was mostly written in 2018. The Agora was then just a thought experiment. It has since grown to be a living project.
  • As late as 2020-10-17, the Agora barely existed as a concrete implementation -- it was not a single tool but rather many which you could use in tandem following a convention, which I provisionally named Agora Protocol.
  • As of 2022-01-02, a reference Agora is online on https://anagora.org . Using terminology gained and derived in the last three years (with the help of the Agora community!), I can now describe it as a [[knowledge commons]].

Regardless of implementation details, an Agora can be assembled out of off-the-shelf parts available on the internet, mostly for free:

  • Knowledge management tools used for the purpose of building a distributed knowledge graph, following the aforementioned convention based on lazily evaluated [[wikilinks]]. See https://anagora.org/agora-editor for a review of some of the tools in this space, or Roam Likes for an older take.
  • Social networks and the constructive bits of the internet as we have them, annotated and enriched using open tools and standards.
  • An explicit constructive social contract. For reference you can consult the anagora.org default.

If you are interested in collaborating on building Agoras or similar constructive spaces, please reach out or peruse the Git repository.

See also: https://flancia.org/go/agora-howto , https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1322619094563258370.html.


You can think of the Agora as a convention based social network; an optional, user-controlled annotation layer that can be applied over any internet platform which supports user-generated content.

I think one of the best possible uses for such a network would be to use it to pro-socially maintain a distributed knowledge graph tailored specifically to the goal of solving problems: those of its users and society at large.

Its users, as a cooperative group, could by default take a naive but rational approach to problem solving:

  • For each problem in the set P of all problems:
    • Describe it as thoroughly as possible.
    • Maintain a set of known or argued possible solutions, S(P).
  • For each solution in S(P):
    • Describe it as thoroughly as possible.
    • Maintain a set of resources (people, time, attention, money) needed to implement it, R(S).

Individual users could also declare their views on the state of the world explicitly: they define which subsets of P, S and R they agree with, in the sense that they believe they are feasible, true, interesting.

Users that agree on their defined subsets can then efficiently collaborate on solutions as they become available by pooling of resources.

We apply some good old recursivity and seed the Agora with the problem of how to build itself. That is, how to build a system that allows participating users and entities to collaborate optimally in the face of adversity (such as biases, irrationality and even actual ill intent)1.

The Agora should be built on a federated protocol to limit the harmfulness of diasporas. Groups might temporarily diverge in their views enough to want to run separate Agoras, but different Agoras should be able to cooperate on problems and solutions for which there is enough ideological alignment, and eventually merge.


I have a more focused and detailed unpublished document which will probably replace or complement this chapter soon.

I know the premise sounds almost like a joke: what the world needs is a new social network. The internet and social networks are technologies we are just barely learning to live with, and the recent cause of a lot of polarization and political escalation and Trump Being President2. It doesn't sound at first like we should add another stick to that particular dumpster fire. But hear me out.

We need a designated place in the internet where we can discuss ideas in a constructive way. In particular, where we can discuss possible strategies to face the problems that humanity is facing. This is already happening, for sure; but is it happening somewhere on the internet where everybody can contribute? I don't think so. If the Agora exists already, please point the way -- I'd like to get there, and building it from scratch would be hard. The network of universities and institutes are the closest we have and I love them, but the Agora should be fully open and available to all over the internet, so every participating individual can contribute work and thought. Of course the whole internet could be an Agora; but the internet as a whole is chaotic and disorganized and thus its implicit Agora is entangled with places that are not constructive and not safe. There must be a better way.

Nick Bostrom has a paper on existential risk where he talks about a kind of lottery of ideas; humanity is constantly playing this game, the metaphor goes, and drawing ideas out of big lottery wheels of Science and Technology and Culture. Some of the balls in this wheel are colored white; these are good ideas. They contribute to human good, and we're glad we found them.

There are also black balls, though. These are bad3. They are things that, on the whole, produce enough bad to be existential risks to humanity. Nuclear power seemed to be this for a while; perhaps mutually assured destruction could have resulted in an apocalypse. But it didn't! Aren't we lucky? If (and it's a big if) things stay this way, we got away with playing with something dangerous. Perhaps we can use the idea for whatever good it holds (cheap and relatively safe energy), or perhaps we decide to bury it underground in a big vault of ideas (this one doesn't have to ever spin again) that says Do Not Go There, Trust Us. For now, though, the idea might still turn out to be black; we could, perhaps, represent this situation as a grey ball of whatever shade we deem most likely.

We need a social network for discussing ideas. For talking about Bostrom's lottery urn, and what it has in it for us. In the Agora, we discuss ideas and their shades and merit; we discuss, first and foremost, ethics. We talk openly and clearly about how to best move forward as a society of humans, with the knowledge we've gotten and the resources we have.

What if social networks are grey? How dark is their shade? The high modernist in me wants to believe that the structured flow of information is more of a good thing than a bad thing. But we need to be cautious, and this is why I wrote this and you are reading it now.

I need your help.

In Flancia there is no poverty.

  1. To start with, discussion in the Agora should follow the tried and tested Principle of Charity.

  2. what if Twitter is already a decent Agora, and Trump just woke up to the fact that it's a superior meme transfer device sooner than others?

  3. White = good and black = bad is in the original paper. Now, an apology: I don't like the fact that our culture encodes bad things as black, it's associated with death, etc. I think associating black with badness is a bit trite in a world that puts so much stock on being a particular kind of yellow.


An agora, in its broadest sense, is a conceptual space where people attempt to bring an increased level of intentionality, explicitness, and mutual agreement to the principles and protocols for interacting in that space. A further aspect of the idea of an Agora is that it is a space which enables collaboration. In particular, it is a space that allows for collaboration guided by specific shared interests, without requiring the co-consitutients of the agora to be aligned more fully or generally in terms of their intentions, values, etc.

Some topics that the idea of an Agora is related to: [[transparency]] [[decentralized structures]] [[egalitarian principles]] [[judgement]] [[algorithms of interaction]] [[communication]] [[collaboration]] [[knowledge sharing]]

There are (infinitely) many possible variants of how this idea might be implemented in concrete, real-world situations. For example, an agora could be a space that is opened up inside a conversation between two people. Or it could be a collaborative project that is accompanied by specified rules. Or it could be a collective agreement about how to handle certain types of situations.

One variant of the idea of an Agora is a place where personal notes are shared, with the common goal of pooling information and sharing knowledge. One implementation of this idea is https://anagora.org . See also https://flancia.org/go/agora .

The term "Agora" and the basic idea come from [[Flancia]].

img side { lapin 77 {My visual take}}

Agora is a ‘wiki like experimental social network and distributed knowledge graph’, so they said. I would say it's an aggregator of digital gardens and a community around it. Anagora is the first and biggest instance of it. [[Flancian]] was the one who created it and the software behind, but there were other good contributors. Thank you!

=> https://anagora.org

I'm part of it:. I also frequent the associated video conferences.

=> https://anagora.org/@melanocarpa | Melanocarpa in Agora => https://anagora.org/@bouncepaw-betula | My recent bookmarks in Agora

Agora makes a big emphasis on graphs and links. Their analogue of hyphae is called a node, nodes are generated from contents from multiple sites. There is also a cool notion of push/pull and go links!

//I was inspired by Agora's go links and implemented something very similar in [[Betula]].//

2022-01-18 I wrote the author an email about the possibilities of making Agora and [[Mycorrhiza]] compatible. 2022-03-06 Melanocarpa was added to Anagora, along with Mycorrhiza support. Furthermore, in 2023 proper support of [[Mycomarkup]] was added.

=> https://github.com/flancian/agora-server/commit/7783430aa33986186e9fd66ee858250b115e0d7e | Commit that adds Mycorrhiza support.

The Agorans also seem to be using [[git]]-based [[markdown]]-driven digital gardens mostly. It is the default choice for many, but luckily support for more formats was added. Mycorrhiza, for example, is supported! There is also [[Betula in Agora]].

= See also => Wiki => Social network => Digital garden => https://mycorrhiza.wiki/help/en/hypha => https://anagora.org/node => https://anagora.org/go => Flancia

You can't really talk about Agora without Flancia.


This looks like a really cool way of aggregating digital gardens into one place. To produce a community garden (or, an agora). Interesting to contrast with how a solely P2P way of connecting gardens might work, no central aggregator.

An Agora is a distributed, goal-oriented social network centered around a cooperatively built and maintained [[knowledge graph]]. The implementation you are currently looking at tries to assemble such a graph out of a collection of digital gardens.

GitHub - flancian/agora

See also [[sister sites]].

See: [[What do I think about the Agora?]]

pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-0-5-1]] pulled by Agora

Agora 0.5.1

⥅ node [[agora-2022]] pulled by Agora

agora 2022

⥅ node [[agora-2023]] pulled by Agora
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-3]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-abstract]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-action]] pulled by Agora

Agora Action

⥅ node [[agora-actions]] pulled by Agora
  • a [[list]].
    • of actions supported by https://anagora.org .
    • [[go]], which redirects to a canonical link
    • [[pull]], which transcludes a target node or subnode into the current context.
    • [[push]], which transcludes subordinate blogs to the target.
    • [[annotate]] (alpha), which redirects to the via.hypothes.is link for a given resource.
    • [[turtle]] (alpha), which returns RDF for a node.
    • [[receive]] (planned), which hints points of transclusion for [[push]].
      • If you pull a node by mentioning this action in its vicinity, it gets 'upranked' in the context of the current node. In https://anagora.org , that means included. Example follows.
    • [[pull]] [[push and pull]] [[planned actions]]
  • an [[agora feature]]
    • The Agora can trigger actions in the context of a node when said node includes a block with a [[wikilink]] or [[hashtag]] representing an [[intent]]. Those intents include [[actions]].
    • If you tell an [[agora]] about your intents in your notes, it will actuate them for you if it can. If it can't, it'll keep a record of the request and fulfill it once it's tractable.
    • Some intents might be fulfilled transparently by humans.

https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1383438976283856900 https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1329890862499770368

  • in the [[agora]] we actions that trigger certain internal actions

  • list of common actions

  • I'm tempted to create a different action format because:

    • action links (most notably #go-link links) mess with my graph view in obsidian
    • they aren't [[wikilinks]] they are categorcially different things
    • pitfalls of changing
      • requires restructuring current code
      • people are already using the current fomat
  • proposed alternatives

    • action:{{action name}}
    • tag format e.g. #go-link #push
      • I'm actually starting to like this version better
  • issues

    • an agora can only support a finite list of actions so we need to configure them somewhere
    • #todo
      • create config.yaml
      • add actions to config yaml
⥅ node [[agora-activitypub-integration]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-algorithm]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-api]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-apis]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-architecture]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-bootstrap]] pulled by Agora

agora bootstrap

⥅ node [[agora-bot]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-bot-bugs]] pulled by Agora
  • now [[agora bot bugs]] tracks agora bot improvements known pending, will get to them shortly:
  • #push [[agora matrix bot]]
    • fix responses to messages with more than one wikilink. this is a typical [[greedy regex]] mistake :) this bug is of course not in the agora
    • make it respond by starting a new thread so it doesn't take up too much space
    • make it work with wikilinks that have already been resolved, like [[vera]]'s
  • #push [[agora mastodon bot]]
    • sometimes goes down, systemd journal doesn't show anything useful
⥅ node [[agora-bot-matrix]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-bot-test]] pulled by Agora
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-bridge]] pulled by Agora

Agora Bridge


  • Got open source approval process.
  • Experimented with [[toot cli]].
  • Create [[Mastodon]] account for prod.
  • set up api for @an_agora on [[twitter]].



pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
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<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-bridge-api]] pulled by Agora

agora bridge api

⥅ node [[agora-bridge-js]] pulled by Agora
  • [[go]] https://gitlab.com/fedstoa/agora-bridge-js
    • asked [[vera]] how to run this, should add it to the readme:
      • install typescript:
        • npm install --global typscript
      • install... something:
        • npm i --save-dev @types/node
      • tsc app.ts && node app.js
⥅ node [[agora-channels]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-chapter]] pulled by Agora

Some loose notes about the process of writing/editing this follow, started on [[2022-10-27]] as I'm starting to go through editors' comments to try to get the chapter into a good enough shape to call it done.

First of all, it's super useful and informative (a learning experience) to have professional editors go through the document. Regardless of the outcome I'm glad I get to have this experience!

Second of all, I procrastinated a bit on starting to go through comments due to a pretty irrational sense of fear that the chapter was unreadable/unrepairable. I think it turns out there's plenty to be saved and repurposed for the final draft :) I'm also happy that I took some days off work, as it is indeed the time to dedicate real time to this project in a relatively uninterrupted way.


#meta I wonder if anagora.org supports rulers yet or I just dreamt it?

[[2022-11-06]]. [[Five minutes of rest]], so I write here :)

Loving [[termdown]] shaped into my simple [[pomodoro]] script.

Meditating every rest, at least three breaths (~33 seconds).

I got derailed trying to stream myself work in [[yoga with x]]. Having fun in the process, but I must not fool around now too much; I don't want the day to be derailed.

It is currently [[2022-11-06]] [[15:20]]. I'll now shoot for [[eight pomodoros]] on top of the four we've done so far :)

On it then. First pomodoro ticking, 15m to go.

[[Agora of Flancia]] ~ [[Flanciagora]]?


I'm happier with how the structure looks after eight pomodoros today :)

Now [[yoga with x]].


Thirteen pomodoros in, three to go. Having fun :)

Hmm, here we are again :)

This is now [[2022-11-28]]. The deadline for the next round of comments is [[2022-12-04]].

(This is my #drishti currently, meaning that I have set it to the number four, representing the date.)

I will now work on a different computer :)

If you somehow found this recording and you don't know what it's all about, you can check https://anagora.org/yoga-with-x and you'll find links to other recordings :)

  • #push [[todo]]
    • Wow, I really need to maintain the Agora root repository. I haven't touched it in, well, maybe a year? I need to check. And it is the reason I keep thinking 'the Agora index doesn't read great.'


Still working on this on [[2023-01-02]], enjoying it although I'm a bit delayed :)

My current attitude is: some bits of this are readable, if in need, chop what's not and publish what remains :)


I plan to do 4 to 8 pomodoros on this tonight, although friends are coming over, so some of them might be later at night :) And I'm fine with 4.

Let's see how it goes though. It's 17:40 now, but the house is ready and dinner is simple.


Back in this part of town! Starting pomodoros at 15. I hope to be able to finish this today. I'm primary oncall for Meet but oncall on weekends is usually quiet; let's see :)

⥅ node [[agora-chapter-2]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-chapter-appendix]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-chapter-final]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-chapter-unlinked]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-chat]] pulled by Agora
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
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    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-cli]] pulled by Agora

Agora Cli

  • The [[agora]] [[command line interface]].
  • Currently very simple :) Example commands follow.
    • foo
      • goes to node [[foo]]. Note that this is equivalent to search (in the [[agora]], non-existent nodes are search nodes).
    • go foo
      • activates [[go link]] in [[foo]], that is, redirects to the target URL if the go link exists.
  • [[pull]] [[cli]]
⥅ node [[agora-client]] pulled by Agora

Agora Client

⥅ node [[agora-clients]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-code]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-comments]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-commons]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-containers]] pulled by Agora
  • A container "platform" to run code in the [[agora]]

    • #todo
      • implement container rpc control to communicate between [[agora]] and container
      • think about security protocols for [[remote code execution]], sandbox etc
      • think about how to execute containers from the [[agora]]
        • sandbox
        • remote server
  • Possible Issues #issues

    • currently [[agora]] is a flat file system, is there a way to represent file hierarchy?
⥅ node [[agora-contexts]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-contract]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-convention]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-conventions]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-copyright]] pulled by Agora
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
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    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-ctzn]] pulled by Agora

agora ctzn

[[Pasted image 20210514003600.png]]

[[Pasted image 20210513225146.png]]

  • Need to keep track of users we follow because currently the bridge only downloads the pages of people whom the user follows that is logged into the bridge

  • #documentation [[agora ctzn docs]]

  • #todo

    • have [[rich text editor]] show preview mode on save
      • date issue because pages don't support the first character being a number
        • use [[agora prefix]] in meantime for now agora-prefix
        • alternatively use a well defined prefix like iso8601-
    • Done
⥅ node [[agora-ctzn-docs]] pulled by Agora
  • git clone project

  • run npm install to install deps

  • copy config.json.example to config.json and edit values

  • run sudo node app.js or node app.js if you're logged in as the [[agora]] user


⥅ node [[agora-dashboard]] pulled by Agora

agora dashboard

  • I think we should build a cool loking [[agora dashboard]].
    • I've been procrastinating on [[agora monitoring]] and I think there are two reasons:
      • I work as an SRE, so it feels too much like the [[day job]].
⥅ node [[agora-design]] pulled by Agora

agora design

⥅ node [[agora-development]] pulled by Agora
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-diagram]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-diagrams]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-digital-garden]] pulled by Agora
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
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        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-discord]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-discus]] pulled by Agora

agora discus

⥅ node [[agora-discuss]] pulled by Agora

Agora Discuss


Backlinks last generated 2022-01-28 07:55:20

pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
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        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-doc]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-docs-import]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-editor]] pulled by Agora

Agora Editor

⥅ node [[agora-editors]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-elinor-ostrom]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-embed]] pulled by Agora

agora embed

       <div class="stoa-public">
            <span class="subnode-header">[[agora]] at anagora.org</span>
            <iframe name="embed_readwrite" src="https://anagora.org/agora" <button class="pull-url" value="https://anagora.org/agora"">pull</button> width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>

or just the iframe if you want to embed out-of-agora of course :)

⥅ node [[agora-es]] pulled by Agora

Agora Es

⥅ node [[agora-exchange-format]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-ext]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-ext-feature-ideas]] pulled by Agora

feature ideas for [[agora ext]]

  • convert [[wikilinks]] into tweets when submitting tweet
  • bookmark site and add node to [[agora]] with go link and title prepopulated from site
⥅ node [[agora-faq]] pulled by Agora

I realize that while this site is connected into [[Anagora]] (but that’s an instance, so I should be saying [[Agora]] instead?) that I don’t really know how it works! Or what the special features are!

What markup do I use to link to a “global” node? A particular user’s node?

For instance, this post will be imported there, under “my” node. How does someone, while writing in their agora, link to [[Agora FAQ]]?

Ideally I don’t want to have to break my flow and go look up a link. So, within some bounds of acceptable markup across different agora engines and their plain text representation in Git, what should this look like?

What Markdown features are supported? What non-Markdown features do I need to know about?

Footnotes are not (currently) supported. See my [[Goggles]] node in the agora for footnote examples.

What engines are supported? What engines do people currently run?

Anything whose source is Markdown pages in Git can be imported.

This is clearly a collaborative doc that should probably be an EtherPad linked to the Agora FAQ page

⥅ node [[agora-faqs]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-feature-requests]] pulled by Agora
  • automatically pull nodes mentioned in the current node
  • auto [[go link]] a url found in a node
  • [ ]
⥅ node [[agora-fediverse-integration]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-feeds]] pulled by Agora

Agora Feeds

⥅ node [[agora-for-ea]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-forum]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-fuzzy-matching]] pulled by Agora

Agora Fuzzy Matching

⥅ node [[agora-fw]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-git-mapping]] pulled by Agora
  • [[did]]
    • map each repo to did then map users to did
  • [[ucan]]
⥅ node [[agora-go-links-integration]] pulled by Agora

Agora Go Links Integration

  • I have implemented this: when in an Agora subnode there is a block that begins with [[go]] and continues with a URL, the Agora will set up a [[go link]] with it and make it available at anagora.org/go/ + the node id. Example follows.
  • This was implemented on [[2020-11-21]] in [[Agora plan]].
  • Note currently I also run go links on https://flancia.org , my personal domain, and they're incomplete (they contain a subset of the go links in the Agora).
  • Next up: handle the case in which several subnodes set up different go links.
    • Behaviour now: one is picked opaquely; the username with the username that comes first alphabetically "wins".
    • Expected behaviour: perhaps a list with all targets shows up, and then five seconds later the Agora redirects to the most highly ranked target (to begin with, the oldest?).
⥅ node [[agora-governance]] pulled by Agora
  • My objective is to build a governance system into the [[agora]]
  • proposals will be submitted as nodes
  • people respond to proposals by creating a node with the same name as the proposal, any #tags will be counted as a vote
    • so e.g. you enter #yes into your node and someone else enters #yes as well there will be two votes for #yes, votes can be any tag name
  • I want to add a /proposal route to the [[agora]] to have a special proposal view for governance
⥅ node [[agora-governance-system]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-graph]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-graphs]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-groups]] pulled by Agora
  • idea that I had to use the agora like a social group
  • pick a name e.g. [[leftist memes]] and then post comments/memes
  • makes me wonder what multi posting to a term looks like. could we have a "feed" of content for nodes
  • maybe "feed" content type
⥅ node [[agora-help]] pulled by Agora

Agora Help

  • An Agora is a [[distributed knowledge graph]] made up of notes, images, files, links.
  • An Agora is built and maintained by a community according to its base [[CONTRACT]].
  • Agora nodes are identified by their [[wikilink]]. [[wikilink]]s may resolve to more than one piece of content; this is not only fine, but considered desirable.
  • Agora users volunteer content for nodes. Content is shown at that node, sequentially, according to a community maintained [[ranking algorithm]].
  • What you're reading currently is a node like any other. If you contributed to this Agora, you could write and submit a note titled 'Agora Help' of your own and it would be shown in this location together with this one.
  • If you would like to contribute to the Agora, there are two ways you can do that:
    • You can start taking notes, or assembling a [[digital garden]], and contribute them to the Agora. For more information on how to do this, please refer to the Agora Howto.
    • You can help develop the Agora; the Agora is open source and community driven. For more information on how to do this, please refer to README
  • Please see [[agora editor]] if you'd like to participate.
⥅ node [[agora-hn]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-howto]] pulled by Agora

Agora Howto

⥅ node [[agora-hub]] pulled by Agora

Agora Hub

  • The [[Agora]] is a bit about integrating the best out there, in a sense; that's what I believe could be a competitive advantage of open source.
  • Companies are usually motivated not to cooperate with others, because they want an edge in the market. This forces them to close down, and it means every company needs to implement a lot of the same stuff independently. It's so inefficient.
  • Open source can be fully open because it has open intentions. Every platform is open by default to collaboration, because openness is symmetric, and integrating with a product usually means users get something of value out of it for no recurring costs.
  • n products or open platforms will tend to integrate, presumably, if they see value in it exceeding integration costs. The issue is that integrations themselves can be seen as costly, because they are by default a full graph, which has n! directed edges.
  • The Agora is an attempt to work around this by clearly defining a neutral ground for willing parties to cooperate in. This common ground can then be used to build a hub. A hub is a highly connected node. In the previous graph of n, if all nodes trust hub h, complexity of integration drops to n.
  • See also: [[Agora]], [[Agora Plan]], [[Agora Protocol]].
  • [[go]] https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1330205461732323329
⥅ node [[agora-hypothesis]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-hypothesis-integration]] pulled by Agora

Agora Hypothesis Integration

⥅ node [[agora-install]] pulled by Agora

Agora Install

Before you get started

As of the time of writing the [[Agora]] consists of three distinct repositories:

  • The Agora proper, which contains the root of a tree plus instructions on how to grow it. This is defined by its configuration and its [[contract]].
  • The [[Agora Server]], a web interface to the Agora, mostly [[read only]]. It is the interface you're reading this in if you're in anagora.org.
  • [[Agora Bridge]], a repository that contains various means of writing to the Agora and more generally interfacing with it. This includes the process that interacts with the Agora's configuration (in the first repository in the list) and runs fetch/update tasks; and a set of platform-specific bots.

The following instructions assume you clone all repositories and run all services under the same user in a Unix-like system (anagora.org runs on Debian GNU/Linux). We suggest agora:

$ adduser agora  # follow prompts
$ sudo su - agora

To get all repositories:

$ git clone https://github.com/flancian/agora.git
$ git clone https://github.com/flancian/agora-server.git
$ git clone https://github.com/flancian/agora-bridge.git

You need to clone all three to run a fully functioning Agora. Because the first is configuration only, and the third encapsulates all mutating code, you technically only need to run [[agora server]] as a service to run an immutable Agora. These instructions assume you set up all three in order.


  • gardens.yaml contains the list of sources for this Agora.
    • may be renamed sources.yaml
    • (if the agora is a filesystem, this is the [[fstab]])
    • [[gardens yaml]]
  • CONTRACT.md contains the Agora system account's public commitment to the ecosystem.

You need to edit gardens.yaml if you want to carry a different set of sources. The Agora comes with defaults.

If you edit the [[CONTRACT]], your Agora might become incompatible with the Agora you forked from. Conflict resolution is part of [[agora protocol]] but currently not specified.

[[Agora Server]]

If you installed in non-standard paths (i.e. your repos are not in /home/<user>/<repo>), edit app/config.py.

You need to create a Python virtual environment, install packages from requirements.txt. run ./setup.sh and it'll at least try to point you in the right direction :)

You can then ./run-dev.sh (for development) or ./run-prod.sh (if you want to serve to the outside world). If you do the latter, you may want to set up [[uwsgi]] in [[nginx]] and make it stick as a [[systemd service]] using agora-server.service as an example. Please refer to https://github.com/flancian/agora-server#to-develop for details.

You can add an nginx virtual host with [[certbot]]: certbot --nginx -d example.anagora.org. Then use the following as an example to forward traffic in that virtual host to Agora Server over UWSGI:

   location / {
        include uwsgi_params;
        # /home/agora/agora-server/run-prod.sh to run.
        uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/agora-uwsgi.sock;

Agora Bridge

Then run ./run-prod.sh either on a shell or as a [[systemd service]]. This will pull from all sources in the root repository's gardens.yaml in a loop.

You can also optionally run a number of bots that will interact with people in supported platforms. See the bots directory and https://github.com/flancian/agora-bridge#install for more.

And now?

Now that you have a functioning Agora, consider what you will do with it.

Please consider [[agora protocol]], [[contract]] and [[goals]]. Reach out if you are interested in establishing other protocols for [[collaboration]].

A note on Docker support

There is currently no [[docker]] support, but it seems like it could be a great fit. We have this in our plan, but if you're handy with Docker, this would be a great contribution for you! :)

⥅ node [[agora-instances]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-integration]] pulled by Agora

Agora Integration

  • Agora integrations might be gateways to other services that allow the [[Agora]] to interop with them; usually mapping to [[actions]].
  • See [[agora plan]] and [[agora feature requests]] for a list of planned integrations.
⥅ node [[agora-interlay-graph]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-interlay-howto]] pulled by Agora
  • These are instructions on how to add your [[digital-garden]] to the highly experimental interlay version of the [[agora]]

  • Fork our repo on github https://github.com/flancia-coop/agora

  • clone your repo

    • git clone <url to your fork>
  • cd into repo

    • cd agora
  • import your own repo as a submodule

    • git submodule add <url to your repo> <your desired name>
  • add files to index

    • git add .
  • create commit

    • git commit -m "submodule"
  • push changes back to your fork

    • git push origin master
  • create pull request

⥅ node [[agora-issues]] pulled by Agora


⥅ node [[agora-js]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-like]] pulled by Agora

Agora Like

⥅ node [[agora-links]] pulled by Agora

Agora Links

  • flancia.org/agora/go_link
  • Could be built on top of generated nginx redirect configurations. Sounds easy and potentially actually fast.
  • [[Turing]] and [[Lovelace]] are patron scientists of the Agora (?). [[Hypatia]] might be patron philosopher.
⥅ node [[agora-mastodon-bot]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-mastodon-integration]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-matrix-bot]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-mediawiki-integration]] pulled by Agora
  • [[metasj]] There's no RC for cat membership, but https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Categorymembers returns a full current list, and for incremental updates https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Usercontribs with ucshow=new returns new pages created by a user.
  • [[metasj]] The only schema would be (extracting local agora name from mw page-title prefix). Other processing: Link extraction would be looking at each wikilink on the MW page and a) converting to an agora link if the target is also a [[category:agora]] page, b) interpreting other [[localname:title]] links or [https://url external links] as agora links if the target agora is known (and the localname: is not also the name of a local MW namespace)

Related MW plugin: "cascading wikilinks" -- a patch to the link-generator JS widget, which currently automatically generates the proper MW markdown for an external URL or a local wikipage, that a) recognizes a cascading list of agoras. So I can write "flancia:agora", link it, press enter, and have it resolve b) option: automatically adds a footnote w/ a "see also: [[article]]" when there's an entry in a Wikimedia-namespace w/ the same term.

⥅ node [[agora-meet]] pulled by Agora
  • a [[meet]].
    • we have [[flancia meet]] on Saturday mornings (UTC), [[agora meet]] would probably ideally take place some day in the afternoon (UTC) so it can be more easily attended by people west?
    • Update (2022-08-21): first instance happening on a Sunday morning.
    • #go https://meet.jit.si/agora-meet


  • See [[stoa]] below.
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-music]] pulled by Agora

Agora Music

⥅ node [[agora-node-aliasing]] pulled by Agora

[[push]] [[agora frs]]

[[Feature request]]

The [[Agora]] already has [[action]]s that indicate [[transclusion]] (with directions) through push and push. We should also have [[action]]s to indicate garden-side [[node]] [[aliasing]].

Node aliasing is useful for allowing an user to deviate from conventions about node naming, while still maintaining [[wikilink]]s as [[first-class citizen]]s.

Possible syntaxes

We should have multiple conventions:


  • tag action: #alias [[node]]

  • link action: [[alias]] [[node]]

  • list:

      - [[alias]]
      	- [[node]]
      	- [[page]]
      	- [[entry]]
      	- [[thread]]
      - #alias 
      	- [[nickname]]
      	- [[pseudonym]]
      	- [[aka]]
      	- [[also known as]]
  • [[@flancian]]: [[node]] == [[node]]

Front matter/Global files

  • Markdown front matter: agora-alias: node

  • HTML data attribute: data-agora-alias='node'

  • (in the future) [[agora garden yaml file]]:

      	- node:
      		- page
      		- entry
      		- thread
      	- alias:
      		- nickname
      		- pseudonym
      		- aka
      		- also known as
⥅ node [[agora-nodes]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-obsidian-plugin]] pulled by Agora


⥅ node [[agora-of-flancia]] pulled by Agora
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-open-questions]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-osm]] pulled by Agora

agora osm

  • an [[integration]].
    • it'd be nice to integrate [[open street map]] with the [[agora]], and the other way around.
      • say, every time a node makes a reference to a place, embed [[osm]].
      • also let people use the [[agora]] to easily contribute to [[osm]]? some way of giving back.
⥅ node [[agora-outage]] pulled by Agora

agora outage

  • the [[agora]] went down significantly today (at least 10 minutes) for the first time I'm aware of since at least the beginning of the year.
⥅ node [[agora-paper]] pulled by Agora


By default, this paper will be built around the following:


In this [[paper]] we describe an Agora, a [[social knowledge graph]] provisioned and maintained by a self-governing community as a commons.

The Agora [[knowledge graph]] can be defined as a hypergraph A with a set of k nodes N (entities an Agora knows about) integrated out of subnodes SN_0 .. SN_k containing subedges SE_0 .. SE_k, aggregating into edges E_0 .. E_k (semantic links between entities inferred out of known subnodes). Edges are annotated implicitly by link context and explicitly via the use of [[agora protocol]], which is extensible and tries to build on existing conventions in the [[personal knowledge management]] space.

An Agora differs from other projects in the personal knowledge space in a few ways: whereas a personal knowledge graph usually contains resources authored or collected by a single person, and a wiki usually contains resources produced by a group, an Agora contains, integrates and interlinks both personal and group resources. Whereas links in a personal knowledge graph or wiki usually have a single target, Agora links fan out by default and can be thought of as mapping to sets of resources. This is consistent with the general design principle of facilitating storage and retrieval of entity-mapped information towards removing friction from cooperation.

Building on the general principles above and a [[free software]]1 reference implementation of the underlying protocols and data, we model and detail how to implement a distributed system that provisions social knowledge services ethically and sustainably, upholding [[data sovereignty]] principles. We then analyze some of the potential applications of such a system. Finally, we shortly explore future work and social implications assuming that the Agora is run as a [[confederated]] system for the [[public good]].


As per [[agora pkm chapter]] by default?


  1. The provided [[reference Agora]] tries to remain tool, format and platform agnostic, building on general conventions common to many tools and platforms in the knowledge space for ease of integration and maximal inclusivity2 and diversity3.

⥅ node [[agora-participation]] pulled by Agora
  • To participate actively in the Agora is to write explicitly for the Agora. It is as easy as mentioning it, or otherwise using the concept in your digital garden.
⥅ node [[agora-pkg-book]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-pkg-book-chapter]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-pkg-chapter]] pulled by Agora


In this [[chapter]] we describe the [[Agora]], a [[protocol]] and reference [[platform]] yielding a [[knowledge commons]] provisioned by a self-governing community. This commons is bootstrapped as a [[distributed knowledge graph]] assembled from off-the-shelf components, upholding the user's [[data sovereignty]] while supporting integration with a wide range of [[tools for thought]].

The Agora as described in this article is just [[an Agora]], meaning it should be taken as a simple [[reference implementation]] of the principles delineated in this paper. Because the Agora-defining [[Agora protocol]] tries to build on common principles1 and incorporate conventions already in use at the time of writing, you will likely find that other Agoras already exist online and offline -- if not by name, then definitely in values and direction. When in doubt, the author2 likes to assume that all Agora-like entities we find will eventually be part of a greater [[confederated]] [[Agora network]]. Put another way, the reference Agora described here is just one possible seed from which an [[Agora network]] may grow.

A core aspect of the provided [[reference Agora]]3 is that its constituent [[distributed knowledge graph]] can be straightforwardly bootstrapped using just a well-defined freely-available subset of the [[internet]]. The provided software can already integrate crowdsourced sets of [[personal knowledge graphs]], [[digital gardens]], [[wikis]] and [[feeds]] of all kinds (including social), generalizing to arbitrary repositories maintained manually or via readily available [[tools for thought]] (both open and closed in nature). All supported data sources are retrieved and integrated using [[free software]], while still supporting production and editing with arbitrary tools of the users' choice.

As hinted above, the Agora is a project with multiple facets which we will try to explore in order in this paper:

The triad above fits together in a variety of ways that we will try to explore in relevant sections, but in a nutshell: [[Agora protocol]] can be used by the community while interacting with the [[Agora platform]] to provision entities, intents and services in the [[Agora commons]].

We2 then cover experiments and potential applications in the [[academic]], [[social]] and [[political]] domains assuming the availability and widespread adoption of a free [[knowledge commons]]. This is done in the form of a series of short reports and exploratory essays.


The Agora can be defined most generally as a subset of the [[internet]]4 used consciously and towards a particular purpose. Slightly less generally, as per the above, it can be seen as a platform and a protocol for provisioning and maintaining a [[commons]] (initially digital) enabling a community to efficiently define and advance their goals. Because of these broad definitions and the wide applicability of the principles detailed in this article, the background required to put this effort in context is ample and fuzzily defined at the edges.

The Agora is inspired by the work of many. Here we mention some of the core influences.

Finally, a [[caveat emptor]]: the [[reference Agora]] is highly [[idiosyncratic]]. It is [[linked]] to a pragmatic project directed towards world improvement, specifically an experiment in [[protopian thinking]] applied to [[global reform and revolution]]. This project tries to explore the full nature of the internet as it could be, using the [[tools]] at hand to work on pressing [[tasks]] as we try to optionally improve the world together. More concretely, [[Flancia]] is an exploration on the power of [[tools of thought]], including [[social media]] and more generally distributed [[writing]], to advance [[altruism]], [[rationality]] and [[loving kindness]].

Agora Commons

The heart of an Agora is the [[Agora Commons]]. It is a [[digital commons]] to start with, extending potentially to an inclusive virtual and real [[commons]] able to sustainably support its associated communities materially.

The [[Triad of Commoning]] as described in [[Free, Fair and Alive]] can be seen to apply to the [[knowledge commons]] we would like to build here, and this informs the design of the [[Agora project]]:

TODO (Diagram): [[Triad of Commoning]] as it maps to the triad of the [[Agora project]]: [[Agora Protocol]], [[Agora Platform]], [[Agora Commons]]? But the later sounds like a category mistake now. Is the Agora just recursive? :) Maybe this works better if we just mention [[intents]].

TODO (Text Structure): Making the commons a higher level section would probably clarify the structure a bit, allow me to bring in the [[Triad of Commoning]], etc. -- but maybe this has already happened, check/fix once we're in [[Google Docs]] as it'll probably be easier then.


This project is of large scope and makes use of terminology from different fields, drawing from computer science, systems thinking and political theory. It also makes use of metaphors. To aid understanding, here we provide a short summary of key terms to follow.

  • [[Agora]]: a [[protocol]], a [[platform]], a [[commons]]. The [[noosphere]]. [[Internet]] as a tool held right.
  • [[Graph]]: the heart of the Agora. A distributed [[knowledge graph]] in particular, both explicitly and implicitly containing a variety of social graphs.
  • [[Node]]: a vertex in the knowledge graph. Maps to an [[entity]] description encoded in a [[wikilink]] or #hashtag. Maps to a mental [[context]] in an Agora user.
  • [[Subnode]]: a resource contributed by a user which the Agora will provision when queried for a variety of [[Node]] contexts. A node is a collection of subnodes.
  • [[Link]]: an annotated edge in the knowledge graph. A relationship or connection between concepts or contexts, optionally annotated. Technically you can think of it as tuple of nodes linking to each other, or more generally a set or sequence of nodes related to each other via a composite relationship (e.g. a link with annotations). The later results in a [[hypergraph]] which is what an Agora generally implements.
  • [[Garden]]: a repository of resources maintained by a user over time. (Optionally entity mapped) information contributed by a user diachronically.
  • [[Feed]]: a sequence of points in time with pointers to objects. Interesting resources as positioned in a [[timeline]]. A core [[Web]] technology that an Agora can both consume and provide.
  • [[Stoa]]: a repository of resources maintained by a group over time.
  • [[Bridge]]: a device or process connecting contexts, applying to both nodes and repositories.
  • [[Siphon]]: a bridge which exploits a gradient.
  • [[Commons]]: a [[social organism]] or [[social system]] provisioned and maintained by a community of practice for the [[common good]]. As per [[Elinor Ostrom]], [[Silke Helfrich]], [[David Bollier]], etc.


This section details intents, goals and values as they relate to the definition of an Agora on a high level.

  • The Agora is a [[project]] for the betterment of the internet, potentially leading to the betterment of the world.
  • To join an Agora, you only need to say you want to join it.
  • The Agora is a platform for [[commoning]] built on a set of public [[intents]], including declarations of [[goals]] and [[values]].
  • If you tell an Agora about a resource you care about, the Agora will try to link it and optionally save it for you.
  • The Agora as a project is positioned at the intersection of the fields of [[commoning]], [[patterning]] and [[knowledge management]].
  • The Agora is a social [[memex]].
  • The Agora is an experiment which seeks to answer the following question: what if, in the field of [[tools for thought]], [[multiplayer]] meant also [[multitool]]?

An [[Agora]] tries to meet the user where they are. As a service in the internet, you don't sign up to an Agora: you sign in. Albeit the reference Agora is based firmly on [[web 1]] principles and core [[web]] protocols and architectural styles like [[http]], [[rdf]] and [[rest]], it also includes partial implementation of [[social]] protocols like [[activitypub]] which affords it a basic level of integration with the [[Fediverse]] and Twitter[^twitter].

In the terms of the [[Knowledge Futures Group]], the [[reference Agora]] is a system that provisions an [[overlay]] (demo at https://anagora.org) querying an [[interlay]] ([[go/agora]], the [[Agora Commons]]) integrating [[repositories]] from a primarily [[git]] based [[underlay]].

With this tool the Agora community can embark on shared projects. The author, as one member of the [[Agora community]], would like to propose (offer) a series of [[projects]] as public collections of [[intents]] in the [[commons]].

[[Agora Protocol]]

Let us use [[Agora Protocol]] if we may.

This section describes a [[protocol]] for publicly defining sets of [[intents]] that can be said to define an Agora. An Agora is a public space that defines itself as such and follows an explicit variation of the Agora Protocol by [[convention]].

In text format, [[Agora Protocol]] is a series of typographical conventions that allow users to link and annotate resources regardless of the medium. Annotating here stands for encoding metadata and personal meaning in resources in a way conducive to be later decoded in an Agora-like [[context]].

If you are reading this book, you probably know Agora Protocol even before reading about it; it is meant to reflect and build on existing practices in the personal knowledge management space, like:

  • #Tags designate entities as related to the annotated resource.
  • [[Wikilinks]] designate entities as related to the annotated resource.
    • Wikilinks may be preferred when trying to encode sentences a particular typographical realization, as they seamlessly contain lossless [[unicode]] strings.

On a pragmatic level: if a person declares a public space or shared resource to be in an [[Agora]], it is in the Agora by definition. This extends to conversations in the real world.

Agora Protocol is parsed by every Agora. On interpreting a statement as an intent, an Agora may take action for the benefit of the user.

An Agora always links by default. Users can opt into automatic saving of resources, meaning storage of resources in a repository under the users' (preferred) or an Agora's control.

  • [[Optimistic linking]] is encouraged.
    • Links that lead nowhere (currently) are encouraged.
      • In an Agora, the place they lead to by default includes resources written by others.
  • [[Outlines]] or [[Agora trees]], as encoded by nested lists such as this one, might be parsed by default as declaring useful [[patterns]]7.

When interpreting the above and extensions, an Agora is liberal in what it accepts and when in doubt tries to default to being extra useful to the user -- meaning it is optimistic in association and surfaces all resources that have a claim to be associated with the context being served. For example: #CamelCase will be provided in all contexts matching [[camel case]] and all known variations, and this relationship is symmetric by default, in the sense that the user might provide either at write time and be later served matching resources in either context.

To put it simply, an Agora defines equivalence classes optimistically with good intention. Later we will discuss the hypothesis that this is an optimal default policy for a social platform.

Note that outlines plus [[linking]] seem sufficient to encode thoughts and structure of arbitrary complexity in a human readable way8. In the opinion of the author this seems sufficient to encode a [[hypergraph]] in a human friendly way, which might do away with the need for programmatically generated [[block references]]9. See [[Technical Specifications]] below for more.

Next we describe how [[Agora Protocol]] can help provision an [[Agora Platform]] which integrates pro-socially with the wider internet ecosystem, and how a community could use both to run experiments on distributed thought.

Agora Platform

This facet of the Agora is that which is closest to the realm of software. See [[Reference Agora]] and [[Technical Specifications]] below for more details.

The Agora Platform as described in this article is decentralized in nature: it is meant to be a pragmatic stopgap solution that is relatively easy to bootstrap and still able to compete with the centralized platforms that currently dominate the market in many fields and might vie for enclosing the [[knowledge commons]] soon. A fully distributed architecture might be preferable soon -- surely soon after achieving and ensuring [[knowledge independence]] for future generations. But a [[decentralized]] model like that used widely in the [[Fediverse]] has core strengths that suggest it might be a good fit for bootstrapping a [[knowledge commons]].


Individual Agora instances, initially provisioned and maintained by like-minded groups in a [[decentralized]] ([[Fediverse]] compatible) model, but tending towards a fully [[distributed]] model, are expected to federate in a greater [[Agora network]]10.

An Agora tries to be a [[repository]] of [[patterns]] in the tradition of [[Christopher Alexander]], [[Ward Cunningham]], [[David Bollier]], [[Silke Helfrich]] and [[Murray Bookchin]].

  • #meta TODO: this [[Agora protocol]] block is a MARK for 'did new writing around here in the last pass', move/delete as needed.

The Agora network is built on a federated protocol the aim of reducing friction to cross-tool cooperation and maximizing the constructiveness of forks.

Take the case in which two groups might temporarily diverge in their views to want to run separate Agoras. Ideally their instances should be able to continue to cooperate on problems and solutions for which there is enough values/ideological alignment. Persistent best effort cooperation as a default contract also maximizes the chance of re-convergence leading to a merge.


A [[bridge]] is a process or device that can be set up to transfer resources across (previously isolated) networks, either one-time or recurringly.

Bridges are useful in that they lower friction for users to move across tools and platforms in an ecosystem, and to keep control of their data (as a bridge can be made to cross post data to a repository under the user's control, or compatible with the user's data sovereignty).

Bridges are the main tool we have to enact [[counter anti disintermediation]] and push back against [[walled gardens]].

An Agora tries to provide safe, useful bridges to the community as a public service.


A [[siphon]] can be seen as a bridge across which [[flow]] happens efficiently after some initial [[effort]], with cost-benefit often following a Pareto-like 20-80 distribution. Many Agora siphons are specialized to perform pro social [[adversarial interoperability]].

An example siphon would be a bridge with a one-time setup cost (e.g. an end user having to set up an API key for a walled garden) but which can then be run continuously afterwards at low cost (of maintenance on behalf of the user, and of computation).

Agora Commons

An Agora is a [[knowledge commons]] provisioned and maintained by a self-governing community for [[public good]].

A [[commons]] consists, at a minimum11, of:

An [[Agora]]'s [[root repository]] is a [[seed]] for an Agora. In the provided reference Agora platform, the root is a [[git]] repository12 which contains:

  • A sources.yaml file containing a list of all repositories to be integrated into an Agora plus useful metadata.
  • A CONTRACT.md file containing a list of assertions declaring high level goals and values for the Agora.
  • A README.md file containing instructions on how to provision an Agora using the above and free software.


An Agora contains collections of [[common]] and [[personal]] intents.

By becoming part of the reference Agora, users endorse [[common]] intents by default, but can [[opt out]] of any intents perceived as problematic. In addition they can contribute personal intents which can be endorsed by other users, thus becoming [[common]].

These are sample intents of the [[author]]. They can be optionally endorsed by users of an Agora.

Literate programming

Intents in [[Agora protocol]] can be interspersed in long form writing, in which case they can act as human-readable metadata.

[[Tree structures]] with [[wikilinks]] are assumed by an Agora to carry [[Agora protocol]] by default, and may be elided or hidden when performing human-readable format conversions through [[Agora sync]].

Agora RFCs

[[Agora RFCs]] are the standard way to suggest extensions and modifications to [[Agora Protocol]].

They are meant to be cheap to write, and conducive to running experiments. RFCs are specified by nodes declaring themselves to contain an Agora RFC; a number might be provided by an Agora, but at present time there is no mechanism for allocating numbers except claiming one by pushing an RFC to it in the Agora of Flancia (or any other trusted root). Conflict resolution is done by the community of the Agora. To put it bluntly, an Agora is its own [[numbers Czar]]13.

Agora RFCs might be of varying length and detail, spanning in length from that of common IETF RFC to a tweet or toot describing a social custom to be considered by the community. RFCs which are judged promising by a community will generate and can be expounded about at greater length by the interested community and potentially worked upon in a [[Stoa]].

[[Agora Actions]]

An [[Agora Action]] is a hint left in some medium by a user of [[Agora Protocol]] for the Agora. The purpose of the hint (its nature) is defined by the action; in general, though, Agora actions can be seen as lightweight contracts between an Agora and its authors. Invocations of an action are interpreted as [[intents]].

An [[Agora Action]] is hinted by default by #tagging or [[linking]] the name of the action in resources, optionally next to nodes and URLs which the action might take as parameters.

The sections below should clarify this.

[[Go links]]

#go is an [[Agora Action]] that designates URLs as canonical or highly ranked references for nodes in which the action appears.

Go links provide an interesting base case to study in the field of provisioning and (pro socially) exploiting14 a [[knowledge commons]]. Put simply, [[go links]] are named social bookmarks -- strings of text (usually slugged, but not necessarily) associated with URLs by users in a community of practice.

[[Go links]] are a [[cognitive tool]] which was developed in [[Silicon Valley]] corporations and has the potential to spread and provide utility at internet scale. As [[cognitive artifacts]] they have a meaningful [[complementary]] component, which makes them interesting as a case study of [[Agora RFCs]] regardless of primary utility of application.

As an [[Agora action]], the contract provided by Go links is as such:

  • When you tag a URL with #go or [[go]] by placing said links previous to it in your writing, an Agora will interpret this as an intent to create a Go Link and provision and provide one for you on querying.
  • An example:
    • #go https://anagora.org
      • Means that the Agora nodes which the document I'm writing this on will be served at will, by default, provide a redirect to https://anagora.org when queried for go links.

The primary utility of Go Links, regardless of implementation details, is high. In a [[go links]] rich environment, users can depend on other users to have defined [[canonical links]] for named [[entities]]; that is, collections of specially relevant resources to the terms at hand, as shared in a [[commons]].

  • Go links provide an [[individual]] function.
    • They allow the user to associate a (usually short) string with a resource of interest, and then recall it from any computing with network access with a short deterministic flow.
    • At companies supporting [[go links]], typing go/ in the browser address bar is usually sufficient to be redirected seamlessly to the target resource.
  • Go links provide a [[social]] function at low or no additional cost.
    • The trivial extension case for them is social bookmarking; even with invidivuals (not groups) claiming go link space recall of links spreads through a community of practice.
    • Sharing documents becomes simpler by definition in a community of practice that is go links aware. Instead of locating a resource and invoking a sharing flow to share, users are able to say to each other 'go thisdoc' (meaning either go/thisdoc or go/this-doc by convention), effectively transferring a URL in spoken word very efficiently, depending only on a previously understood mechanism to resolve such links (at a well known point, ideally a [[schelling point]]).


#pull is an Agora Action. Its effect is Agora dependent but is, in essence, a form of [[transclusion]]: pull will result in a remote mental context being embedded in the current one.

#pull takes a [[node]], a [[node/heterarchy]] or a URL. Nodes might be embedded by an Agora using special in-Agora provisions. URLs might be embedded in web browsers according to X-Frame policies.


#push is an Agora Action. Its effect can also be described as transclusion, but in the opposite direction: whereas Pull will transclude a remote context in the current context, Push will transclude the current context in a remote context. Push can be thought of as publishing to a [[topic]] in a PubSub system.

#push takes a [[node]], a [[node/heterarchy]] or a URL. The meaning of pushing to a node is to publish the blocks or context in the destination node; the reference Agora publishes them in a similar format to local resources, either preceding them or after them depending on configuration. The meaning of pushing to a heterarchy (or "path") is to request attaching the resource or context at a point of insertion identified by the heterarchy as an anchor, if one is found (essentially allowing to fine tune placement).

In an Agora, section headings may push the whole section to mentioned nodes.


A resource can be declared a [[Stoa]] by tagging it as such. This marks it as a resource meant for [[cooperation]] or [[commoning]].


This section explores possible further applications in the social and knowledge spaces in the form of a series of short essays.

Provisioning meaning together with federated heterarchies

  • An Agora supports taxonomies in principle but mostly provides a set of basic tools to converge on meaning best effort through social processes based on federated [[heterarchies]].
  • [[Agora trees]], meaning by default [[outliner mode]] text with [[wikilinks]], hint at sections containing [[Agora Protocol]].
  • [[Agora RFCs]] allow a distributed Agora community to extend the base [[Agora Protocol]] for more efficient [[commoning]] using atomic proposals.
  • TODO: (Details on an [[open source algorithm]] for ranking and filtering based on the above go here.)
  • TODO: (Details on eventual [[convergence]] as a phenomenon to be studied.)

An Agora tries to solve all of these based on social signals contributed to the commons:

  • [[taxonomies]]
    • [[heterarchies]], as represented by [[agora trees]] and [[path/like/queries]], can be reinforced by the Agora as more users hint at them.
    • Hypothesis: this can do away with the need for fixed taxonomies or category systems, and the associated upkeep cost (and potentially gatekeeping) that comes with them.
  • [[equivalence classes]]
    • If [[x]] pulls [[y]] and [[y]] pulls [[x]], then [[x]] ~ [[y]], meaning [[x]] and [[y]] converge in some useful context. This is true in particular if more than one user has contributed these signals.
  • [[ranking]]
    • It is well known15 that links provide a strong signal for relevant and notability in graph like systems.
    • #uprank is an explicit Agora Protocol action that takes a subnode or user and hints at an intent to rank them more highly than the current resource.
    • #pull can be used as a ranking hint as well: if [[x]] pulls [[y]], [[y]] is more likely to be roughly as relevant as [[x]] in any contexts in which [[x]] is relevant.

Collaborative world building

  • We seek to provision and maintain a distributed knowledge graph tailored specifically to the goal of solving problems: those of its users and society at large.
  • Its users, as a cooperative group, are promped to take a naive but rational and constructive approach to problem solving by default:
    • For each problem in the set P of all problems:
      • Describe it as thoroughly as possible.
      • Maintain a set of known and supported possible solutions, S(P).
    • For each solution in S(P):
      • Describe it thoroughly as an algorithm, a dependency graph or both.
      • Maintain a set of resources (people, time, attention, wealth) needed to implement it, R(S(P)).
    • Individual users can also declare their views on the state of the world explicitly: they define which subsets of P, S and R they agree with, in the sense that they believe they are feasible, true, interesting.
      • Users that agree on their defined subsets can then efficiently collaborate on solutions as they become available by pooling of resources.
  • Assuming the existence of such a graph we apply some good old recursivity and bootstrap an Agora with the problem of building itself.
    • That is, we are tasked with solving the problem of building a system that allows participating users and entities to collaborate optimally in the face of adversity (such as biases and irrationality), maybe only assuming good intent.

Node Club

Once a week or a month (depending on the time of the year), the [[Agora community]] proposes a set of nodes to be provisioned loosely concurrently over the next period -- meaning nodes to be contributed to individually, at roughly the same time.

Thank you to [[neil]] and the [[agora community]]!

Educational technology

Solving coordination problems

Flow problems

  • #pull [[liquid democracy]] [[network flow]]
  • We seek to bootstrap a [[Universal Basic Income]] experiment using an Agora with a set of simple rules:
    • If you consider yourself under-privileged, you sign up to receive an income.
    • If you consider yourself over-privileged, you sign up to donate an income.
    • Incomes are recurring donations for a set number of months.
  • Optional [[virality rule]]: the person receiving the income should elect to forward e.g. 10% of the sum received to someone less privileged than them.
    • The virality rule both pushes network growth and constructively exploits wealth inequality and asymmetry of information: an under-privileged person is closer in the world to a more severely under-privileged person than the initial donor, so can more efficiently allocate the resources. This also empowers under-privileged people to also make ethical decisions.
  • [[Flancia Collective]] runs experiments in this field using an [[Agora]].

Market composition and regulation

A [[knowledge commons]] may be conducive to tackling the issue of regulating markets responsibly. A commons can essentially embed a federated network of ethical markets; the community of commoners can agree on the definition of such network and the rules which they which to enforce on transactions through the interface.

Commons can be seen to be well positioned to operate as meta-markets in a world (and internet) where markets, originally distributed in nature, have been coopted by corporations.

Application stores worldwide, the dominant bookseller in many countries -- all work as centralized markets that can impose high trading fees because of the lack of competition. It seems evident we must avoid this same scenario from reoccurring in the [[Tools for Thought]] space; a federated network is needed. But corporate profit driven interests are likely already dreaming of taking hold of the space; how can we stop them?

Simple, maybe: we must retreat up a level and build a healthy integration layer that pushes back against early efforts to build walled gardens around tools and their strong communities. We must build bridges out of walled gardens and into the commons and there provide services to users of a wide range of tools, and enable ethical corporations to use these bridges to also provide these services.

Technical specifications

Agora Protocol example

The blocks that follow, and others in the current text in the same [[console typeface]], are a self-documenting demonstration of text based [[Agora Protocol]].

  • #push [[agora protocol]]
    • (Push can be used for writing child blocks to a remote context, as if broadcasting to a [[pubsub]] topic.)
    • a [[protocol]].
      • Based on lightweight conventions conducive to [[knowledge federation]] of supported [[data formats]] as described below.
      • [[plain text]] as layer 0 (bootstrapping).
        • What the literate world already runs on: just plain old human language in full [[unicode]].
        • Note that indented bulleted lists are efficient while encoding trees, [[heterarchies]].
      • [[wikilinks]], #hashtags and other link conventions and annotation as part of layer 1.
      • Layer 2 being defined, the same as refinements to other layers, as [[extensions]].
        • If you are a member of an Agora, you can propose extensions to Agora Protocol by contributing to [[Agora RFCs]].
        • This should be sufficient to bootstrap a [[governance layer]] defined by each [[Agora]].
        • #pull [[agora rfcs]]
        • (Pull instructs an Agora to incorporate a remote context into the current context, e.g. [[transclude]] or provision below.)

Data format

  • Layer 0: [[plain text]].
    • Plain text is ubiquituous.
    • It is not only a common standard for all tools in the knowledge space, which simplifies interoperability; it is a common standard for thought as shown by thousands of years of preserved culture.
    • It can trivially encode outlines.
      • It can be made to encode trees, like in this example.
      • Indented bulleted lists designate a useful [[heterarchy]].
    • It generalizes to binary data.
      • It can be made to encode arbitrary data via application of uuencode or other encoding conventions.
  • Layer 1: [[markup]] and conventions for cross-referencing and linking.
    • Markdown, org mode, HTML or other rich markups building on top of plain text belong to this layer.
    • [[wikilinks]] and #hashtags seem like sensible cross-format extensions for semantic linking.
    • Markdown plus [[wikilinks]] is the default Agora layer 1 format.
    • More generally, this is an [[inline metadata]] layer. The above are just relatively unobstrusive generally available implicit standards that inline well.
  • Layer 3: JSON, EDN, RDF, protobufs.
    • In general, data exchange formats.
    • The Agora reference implementation currently provides JSON and RDF endpoints.

Graph definition

The Agora [[knowledge graph]] can be defined as a hypergraph A with a set of k nodes N ([[entities]] an Agora knows about) integrated out of subnodes SN_0 .. SN_k, each containing subedges SE_0 .. SE_k, aggregating into edges E_0 .. E_k (semantic links between entities inferred from known subnodes). Edges are annotated implicitly by link context and explicitly via the use of [[agora protocol]] affordances, which is extensible and tries to build on existing conventions in the [[personal knowledge management]] space.

An Agora differs from other projects in the personal knowledge space in a few ways: whereas a personal knowledge graph usually contains resources authored or collected by a single person, and a wiki usually contains resources produced by a group, an Agora contains, integrates and interlinks both personal and group resources. Whereas links in a personal knowledge graph or wiki usually have a single target, Agora links fan out by default and can be thought of as queries mapping to sets of resources. This is consistent with a general design principle of facilitating storage and retrieval of entity-mapped information with a view toward removing friction from agreement and cooperation.

Building on these general principles and a [[free software]]3 reference implementation of the underlying protocols and data, we model and detail how to implement a distributed system that provisions social knowledge services ethically and sustainably with a focus on upholding [[data sovereignty]] principles. We then analyze some of the potential applications of such a system. Finally, we shortly explore future work and implications assuming that the Agora network is run as a [[confederated]] system for the [[public good]].

  • Being built around a [[knowledge graph]], an Agora can be defined as a set of vertices or nodes N (each mapping to an entity in a knowledge base) and edges E (each mapping to a relationship between entities, annotated by context).
    • An Agora [[node]] is a collection; it contains the set of all known resources about (or related to) the entity described by the node id, defaulting to its name as an arbitrary length unicode string.
      • (But potentially overridden or extended with provided metadata and annotations.)
      • In this paper each such resource attached to node N is known as a subnode N_s.
    • Note that because links can be annotated by context (as they can be considered to be by nearby #tags and [[wikilinks]]), an Agora graph can be said to be a hypergraph 16.

Reference implementation

  • This section covers details on the work-in-progress reference software implementation built on the principles described above, developed as [[free software]] and run as [[public service]].
  • The provided [[reference Agora]] is designed to be a minimum viable cooperative platform that integrates and complements [[personal knowledge graphs]] in particular and, more generally, any writing done with a [[social stance]].
  • Its guiding architectural principle being to build as much as possible on already existing conventions common to as many tools and platforms as it is possible with the aim to achieve maximal inclusivity and diversity.

Here we cover some details of the provided free and open source reference Agora which provides a minimum viable implementation of the [[underlay]], [[interlay]], and [[overlay]] components of a [[distributed knowledge graph]]17.

  • The reference Agora stands out from other projects in the [[knowledge graph]] space in a few ways:
    • Whereas links in a personal knowledge graph or wiki usually have a single target (a particular note or page), Agora links fan out by default; targets can be thought of [[collections]] of resources.
    • While a personal knowledge graph usually contains resources and links authored or collected by a single person, and a wiki usually contains resources provisioned by a group in (a priori) a shared voice, an Agora tries to integrate and interlink both personal and group resources while preserving distinct voices18.
    • As of the time of writing, some personal knowledge graph tools are exploring collaborative editing in format- and platform-specific ways. In contrast to this, the reference Agora described in this chapter tries to be tool, format and platform agnostic to maximize interoperability and data exchange and provide utility to users of many tools and systems. This is achieved by targeting a minimum viable set of cross-tool conventions.


agora architecture

  • The reference Agora is a simple distributed architecture based on off the shelf components.
    • [[agora root]] is a git repository containing the Agora definition, meaning a base [[contract]] which sets the tone and high level goals of the Agora, and a list of data sources to be recurringly integrated.
    • [[agora bridge]] is a git repository containing connectors and importers for supported data sources.
      • User controlled [[git]] repositories are the default data source.
    • [[agora server]] provides a UI supporting querying and composition and [[json]], [[rss]], [[rdf]] endpoints.

Data ownership model

The [[Agora platform]], although strictly rooted in [[web 1]] principles in its reference implementation as of the time of writing, is based on a strictly distributed model: by default users are entities that inform an Agora of repositories they want to contribute to the [[commons]]. As such, an Agora is trivially distributed in the sense that all data required to bootstrap it is hosted independently by users at independent locations19.

  • Users can contribute [[repositories]] to an Agora.
    • To do so, they publish their resources to a repository they control and then they let an Agora know of their intention to integrate, a desired username and their agreement with an Agora's contract.
    • [[git]] repositories are the default data source, with other repository providers ([[http]], [[ipfs]], [[drive]], [[dropbox]]) to follow.
  • Users can contribute individual [[resources]] to an Agora.
    • As of the time of writing they can interact with an Agora system account (i.e. bot) in supported platforms like [[twitter]] and [[mastodon]] while indicating nodes they want to attach to using a Layer 1 convention.
    • (Soon they will be able to submit this information directly on the [[agora server]] provided interface.)
  • Whenever a user signals [[opt in]] to remote writing (bridging, siphoning, cross posting), [[an Agora]] does its best to guarantee user data ownership.
    • By default, an Agora will not store data for the user if it the user has not signaled a strong enough intent to write full data. Instead, an Agora will try to [[link]] to resources only in matching contexts, allowing users to recover resources without meddling in data management (see [[go links]] study case).
    • Whenever it does write data, an Agora will try to provision a separate repository per user and try to turn data management into a user's concern at the user's earliest convenience.
      • To put it another way, an Agora actively tries actively to own no data, preferring instead to act as a temporary [[data steward]] of the users' repositories.
      • When an Agora sets up a repository for the user, as in the case in which the user requests to write without having previously indicated their repositories, the Agora will try to set up repositories in such a way that turn-key full access can then be given over to the user on demand.
      • Inasmuch the user depends on services associated with an Agora for repository hosting, an Agora tries to trees repositories as instances of [[pods]] in the [[Solid]]20 sense.


This section triers to summarize the endpoints that [[Agora server]] provides and plans to provide.

Agoras can define mappings from these to URL schemes generalizing to isomorphic REST-like APIs using agora.yaml21.

Entity resolution

  • GET /<context> -> by default the same as /node/<context>, might be overridden with a more particularly useful context
  • GET /node/<node> -> entity resolution, node can be percent-encoded
  • GET /nodes -> lists known entities in canonical form
  • GET /@<user> -> provides details about a user and the [[subnodes]] in their repositories.
  • GET /users -> lists users
  • GET /search?q=<query> -> generally redirects to /node/<node>?q=<query> with node being a maximally useful context while preserving fidelity with the percent-encoded query string


  • GET /feed/@<user>
  • GET /feed/<node>
  • GET /feed/journals
  • GET /feed/journals/@<user>


  • GET /go/<node>
  • GET /go/<node1>/<node2>


Thanks and farewell

The author would like to thank [[Flancia Collective]], the [[Agora community]], and the [[Fellowship of the Link]]: for your inspiration, interest, guidance.

To my [[friends]]: for your ongoing love and support.

To you: for reading.

To all the Agora builders and maintainers through history, including those of the motivating historical [[poleis]] and those who will build Agoras for the peaceful cities and countries of the future.

Finally, some friendly parting words: if you don't like this [[Agora]], rest assured that's perfectly alright -- it is early stage. The [[Agora of Flancia]] is [[open source]]; these projects have [[Apache]] and [[Creative Commons]] licenses respectively. Please consider improving them!

  1. both commonsense and related to instances of [[commoning]].

  2. Eduardo Ivanec, a.k.a. 'flancian', representing [[Flancia Collective]] and the [[Agora community]].

  3. The provided [[reference Agora]] tries to remain tool, format and platform agnostic, building on general conventions common to many tools and platforms in the knowledge space for ease of integration and maximal inclusivity22 and diversity23.

  4. Or [[Web]]? See literature for most common term, likely web due to ties to the [[semantic web]] if nothing else.

  5. As per Matuschak and Nielsen (2022), Kenneth Iverson seems to be the source of the currently dominant blanket term "[[tools for thought]]" -- although I can report he didn't use it in his seminal paper, preferring instead "[[tools of thought]]". I use these two interchangeably, maybe preferring the latter due to it giving thought agency.

  6. As of the time of writing the reference Agora can't publish to fedwiki, but can import fedwikis into the Agora Commons as repositories.

  7. An Agora is a repository of [[patterns]] and its design owes a lot to [[Christopher Alexander]], [[Ward Cunningham]], [[David Bollier]], [[Silke Helfrich]] and the [[commoning]] community.

  8. indentation is sufficient

  9. Hypothesis: [[Block References]] are suboptimal as [[cognitive devices]] due to being [[competitive]], whereas user generated IDs and encoded structure can be [[complementary]].

  10. An Agora is part of the Fediverse.

  11. https://logicmag.io/commons/singular-plural/ (or https://anagora.org/go/singular+plural as of the time of writing.)

  12. https://github.com/flancian/agora (or https://anagora.org/go/agora as of the time of writing.)

  13. https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8700.html#name-the-rfc-management-and-edit

  14. TODO: there's probably a better term for this in [[Free, Fair and Alive]].

  15. TODO: find paper or good up to date reference.

  16. "Stephen Wolfram likes them." -- see for example https://www.wolframphysics.org/technical-introduction/.

  17. https://www.knowledgefutures.org/

  18. it is an expression of the [[pattern]] [[chorus of voices]].

  19. as of the time of writing, GitHub is the most popular git host, but not by much (TODO: percentage goes here). This is likely suboptimal as it undermines the claim of the resulting [[knowledge commons]] of being truly [[distributed]], and can be seen as an instance of the (anti-)pattern [[Anti Disintermediation]].

  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_(web_decentralization_project)

  21. or TOML?

pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-pkm-chapter]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-pkmchat]] pulled by Agora

agora pkmchat

Bruno Winck is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Flancia!
Time: Apr 8, 2021 01:00 PM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 8204 8712
Passcode: 154708
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,86982048712#,,,,*154708# US (Chicago)
+13462487799,,86982048712#,,,,*154708# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 869 8204 8712
Passcode: 154708
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbElQipjwk```
⥅ node [[agora-plan]] pulled by Agora

Agora Plan


The [[Agora]] is a project with a large [[scope]], so it takes a minute to explain what it's all about, and what the vision this plan tries to advance is.

If you'd like a quick introduction to the Agora as of mid 2021, please check out [[go/agora-slides]].

You can also refer to [[go/agora]], that is the documentation in the [[root repository]] currently hosted on [[github]].

What this node is for

This node is used as a project planning page for the [[Agora]] implementation you're likely reading this in now: https://anagora.org .

As you might know by now, an Agora is a beast with multiple legs:

This node might deal with development of any and all of them. We will try to list past major developments below, but this node will try to also be [[future focused]].



  • On [[2021-11-06]]:
    • Lots have happened. I gave up trying to maintain this for a while, instead using my journals and a transitive subset of the [[Agora]] to document the development process.
    • See [[flancia collective]], [[agora discuss]], [[journals]].
  • On [[2021-01-30]]
  • On [[2020-01-02]] I implemented [[jump]]
    • I said: "I'll implement the action and a 'jump'/ dialog always available in the Agora, perhaps replacing search in the [[toolbar]]."
    • Done!
    • Q: is 'go to' better than jump? I don't think so, and it could be confusing due to go links. But unsure.
  • On [[2020-01-01]] I fixed node titles.
  • On [[2020-12-29]] I pushed a quick patch that upranks all my subnodes, as some top subnodes in relatively popular nodes had formatting issues / were distracting. I intend this to be temporary; better ranking and formatting fixes are coming.
  • On [[2020-12-27]] I released [[agora 0.5.6]] with [[pull]] support, better db code, caching... quite a bit :)
  • On [[2020-12-20]] I worked [[agora 0.5.5]], which adds simple [[hypothes.is]] integration.
    • Fixed the fact that [[back]] [[links]] didn't work in non-existent nodes (even when there are backlinks, that is).
    • Prepared CSS/html for pull, push, forward links.
  • On [[2020-12-04]] I released [[agora 0.5.4]], with some improvements:
    • New data model (digital gardens are not subtree'd in the main [[agora repository]] anymore, stay wholly independent)
    • Index page is now just another node, subnodes can be contributed by users.
  • On [[2020-11-29]] I integrated the first community contribution ever.
  • On [[2020-11-27]] I fixed some bugs, like wikilinks with periods on their names not working.
  • On [[2020-11-22]] implemented count of subnodes in user pages.
  • On [[2020-11-17]] implemented [[latest]].
  • On [[2020-11-16]] I implemented [[agora fuzzy matching]] and full text search, adopted a div based layout, improved the CSS, improved user pages.
  • On [[2020-11-15]] I implemented dark mode (press on 'theme' on the top right corner to switch dark <-> light).
  • On [[2020-11-14]] I released [[agora 0.5.1]].




  • all http mentions should be auto linked, not only some: https://twitter.com/notverapetrova/status/1346258737204400128
    • Worked around this, but I should probably send an upstream PR to [[bleach]]
  • try rendering notes with [[marko]], see if it's a bit more forgiving with list indentation and other kinks that seem common.
  • add support for org mode gardens
  • I should make node [[0.5.6]] work
  • graph the whole Agora -- sounds fun!
  • Implement pull and push.
    • Define divs for 'pulled' and 'pushed' sections
    • Write functions that return [[pull]] and [[push]] entities in each subnode
  • Make more links default to node instead of subnode.
    • For example those in latest, those in user pages.
    • Might require 'upranking'.
  • set up [[agora]] hot spare in [[dorcas]], this is an experiment but I already find it very useful so I don't want to not have it available for a while if there's a server failure
  • add monitoring -- [[munin]] or something more modern? [[prometheus]]?
  • Implement /node/foo/selector as more resilient/uniform alternative to /subnode.
  • Implement user upranking/pinning.
    • Perhaps nodes visited from a user scope uprank subnodes by that user?
  • https://twitter.com/s5bug/status/1334686375275163652 ?s=09
  • Provide a link (GET) for the search for '[ ]', useful for [[do]].
  • Add better backlinks, showing some context.
  • Make the site header be marked as an actual header (div with a class, etc.); Google seems to think it's part of the site text (it's showing up in results).
  • Fix markdown list formatting issue with different tab widths.
  • add footer.
  • Implement preview-on-hover?
  • Implement "around the Agora".
  • add /latest or some other chronological view
  • User profiles: perhaps just note [[flancian]] as written by user [[flancian]]? Unsure.
    • [[s5bug]] suggested using [[README]] in gardens for this. Makes sense.
  • Make the index be just another note [[ding-levery]].
  • Improve backlinks: show snippets as well as just the link.
  • Improve pull loop to also support arbitrary hooks, like that needed to implement [[agora go links integration]].
  • Multi user improvements:
    • Better sorting (right now all my notes show up at the top, doesn't make sense).
    • Ability to "zoom into" a user, to navigate just their garden for a while.
    • Perhaps ability to "uprank" users, pinning their notes to the top of any sorting order.
    • Perhaps sort+uprank can be integrated?
    • usernames could have a 'pin' emoji that upranks all their posts?
  • Implement search (full text).
  • Add support for media serving (useful for pictures of [[ocell]]).
    • assets/foo end up at node/assets/foo; just adding a handler for node/assets/ seems like it could be enough.
    • It would conflict with a node named 'assets' though, so perhaps it's not ideal.
    • Perhaps it'd be better to just serve images/media as subnodes?
  • Add monitoring/alerting.

Some day:

Feature requests


  • fix bug: backlinks should be shown even in yet non-existent nodes, such as [[deceased]].
  • Clean up stale journal pages which don't follow [[iso 8601]].
  • Add config.py file with things such as paths.
  • Add user handler: /u
    • /u/flancian -> all nodes by flancian
    • /node/flancia/u/flancian -> flancia by flancian
    • Also added @flancian. Shorter is better, and it's a common convention.
    • perhaps /g/ for groups later? or /s/ for stoa.
  • Add 'link to this note'.
    • Now called subnode.
    • Subnode rendering is ready, just need to add links.
    • Perhaps I need to fix subnode paths; right now they are the actual filename. It'd be better if there was at least possible to specify the filename base (no extension) and have the right file be resolve, a la nodes.
  • add some search support -- a simple textbox + GET?
  • better css
  • Improve the [[index]].
  • Implement [[agora fuzzy matching]].
    • Done
    • but backlinks don't work in some cases, like http://dev.anagora.org/node/abstract%20fairy .
    • Probably not worth fixing that right now as it only triggers for nodes that are not canonical, perhaps better to just redirect to a canonical node.
    • could help with disambiguation and acronym expansion
⥅ node [[agora-platform]] pulled by Agora
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-playlist]] pulled by Agora
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-playlist-edit]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-polls]] pulled by Agora

agora polls

⥅ node [[agora-project]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-promnesia]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-proposal]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-proposal-1]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-proposal-platform]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-proposals]] pulled by Agora
  • Potential proposals

    • What requires money
      • what coops/collectives do we want to sponsor
    • [[agora actions]] and how to handle them
    • pull in all linked [[wikilinks]] without having to use #pull action
    • [[flancia collective]] or flancia coop
      • I kinda kinda coop because it's shorter to type and less intimidating
  • proposal types

    • multiple choice
    • yes/no
  • Links to proposals

⥅ node [[agora-protocol]] pulled by Agora

What follows is Agora Protocol in a nutshell: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1437079533253976066 .

pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-prs]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-publishing]] pulled by Agora

Agora Publishing

⥅ node [[agora-push]] pulled by Agora

Agora Push

  • As of the time of writing ([[2020-11-25]]), the Agora works exclusively on a pull model: it constantly tries to pull updates from all participating [[digital garden]]s. This is simple and works well enough but might not scale.
  • Pushes could fix this. Garden owners could set up some sort of push protocol so that, on each garden update, their note taking tools or their git host ([[github]] is currently the most popular) let the Agora know that there are updates to be pulled. By doing this, they might get better refresh latency.
⥅ node [[agora-ranking]] pulled by Agora

agora ranking

  • As of [[2021-11-06]] Agora ranking is essentially non-existent except for
      1. a hack in [[agora.py]] which upranks users [[@agora]], [[@flancian]], [[@vera]], [[@neil]] in that order -- essentially admins in order of entry. This was hotfixed in when some long content that didn't render well (due to garden conversion issues) grabbed top position in interesting nodes. It's not a stable setup and I don't like that this kind of list could grow into a fixed hierarchy.
      1. client-side, as implemented by [[vera]] -- see, in the same node handler in [[agora.py]], the /uprank/ functionality. This is called by client side code for sorting.
  • I think we should start working on actual better ranking.
    • One simple alternative would be to introduce upvotes/emoji reactions in the interface, and store those either in git (as a reaction log) or in, say, sqlite. This could be treated as 'volatile' data -- treating all data not derivable from the [[agora]] main repo transitively as volatile seems like an OK design decision to me (it would be optional, so wouldn't add to the initial setup cost).
    • Another alternative would be to support explicit upranking within nodes. So, for example, if I write [[uprank]] [[@neil]] in [[flaneur]], the Agora would render Neil's node above mine.
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
⥅ node [[agora-reader]] pulled by Agora
  • a device that the [[agora]] tries to give to every user in [[flancia]].
⥅ node [[agora-reading-club]] pulled by Agora

Agora Reading Club

  • A [[feature]], or perhaps just a way of using the [[agora]].
  • Participants node their commentary on chapters/sections, the Agora aggregates.
⥅ node [[agora-recipe]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-recipes]] pulled by Agora

Agora Recipes

⥅ node [[agora-repository]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-resources]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-rfc]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-rfcs]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-roadmap-2020]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-seach]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-search]] pulled by Agora

Agora Search


  • The [[agora]] is in essence equivalent to a [[distributed]] [[wiki]].
    • Note you could theoretically use a wiki to [[crowdsource]] search results; in the limit, think of having a wiki page for every likely user query.
    • Perhaps [[agora search]] tries to find a good match for your query locally and redirects to other agoras in the network or to [[google]] or [[duckduckgo]] if a good local result isn't available.
      • When it volunteers something, it also offers to continue your query in the search authority of your choice.
    • [[push and pull]] could be used to offer hints for how to route queries to relevant results.
  • The [[agora]] can already be used as a [[search engine]].
    • To do so, you can use the following URL template in your browser of choice: https://anagora.org/search?q=%s
      • Searching this way behaves the same way as searching using the text box always at the top of this [[agora]].
    • As of [[2021-02-27]], you can also just use [[open search]] to add the [[agora]] as a search engine; this works at least on [[firefox]]. You should be able to see the agora as an available search engine to add in the search box.
    • The [[agora]] will try to serve any relevant nodes for your queries -- useful for when you have notes on the topic you're searching for.
      • In every case, the [[agora]] will try to make it easy for you to 'click through' and continue your search elsewhere -- in established search engines or the websites of your choice.
  • Agora Search is [[crowdsourced search]] for the [[open]] [[internet]].
  • [[user story]] https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1350835941603221504
  • [[keywords]] https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1352671899583713288
  • [[pull]] [[crowdsourced search]]
  • This [[agora]] tries to search all [[agoras]], and also the internet as it manifests an [[intent to cooperate]].
    • See [[stoa]].
    • You can use [[open search]] to add it to your browser while you're visiting it.
    • You can have it as default search engine, like I sometimes do, or you can associate it with a prefix. I use 'a' and 'an'. Like in 'an entity'.
  • [[2021-02-27]]
    • Hooking up with [[yubnub]] seems like a good idea.
    • Working on general [[usability]] in parallel.


  • In [[agora server]], /search / /exec does the following:
    • It takes a query string in argument 'q' (sort of standard).
    • It optionally tokenizes the query string (unsure if this is the right stage for tokenizing, or tokenization should be done ad-hoc by search providers to allow for domain-specific tweaks).
    • It offers the query string or the tokens to [[search providers]], essentially hooks that volunteer [[actions]] or [[results]] -- perhaps as bids in a distributed system modelled as a market (later).
    • It scores the alternatives and either chooses one for the user (based on programmable rules) or presents them as alternatives.
    • The default action is 'redirect to the agora node matching/encoding the query'.
    • Also supported currently:
      • [[go]], which redirects immediately to a go link if present in the parameter node or a [[combination]].

https://merveilles.town/web/statuses/105997152161798151 https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1379495094001238026

⥅ node [[agora-server]] pulled by Agora

Agora Server

⥅ node [[agora-server-build-docs]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-service]] pulled by Agora
agora@thecla:/etc/systemd/system# cat agora.service
Description=uWSGI instance to serve agora-server

Environment="PATH=/home/agora/agora-server/venv/bin" "FLASK_ENV=production" "AGORA_CONFIG=ProductionConfig"
ExecStart=/home/agora/agora-server/venv/bin/uwsgi --ini prod.ini

⥅ node [[agora-settings]] pulled by Agora

Agora Settings

⥅ node [[agora-setup]] pulled by Agora

agora setup

So you want to set up an [[agora]]? You're in the right place!

The [[agora]] is meant to be something anyone can run in their laptop or an old computer in a closet -- with some effort, which will hopefully be lowered over time as more development takes place.

The gist of it is: if you try to run an [[agora]] of your own and fail, please reach out to [[flancian]] for help.

You'll need these three repos:

Read on for more: [[pull]] [[agora install]].

⥅ node [[agora-shaped]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-signup]] pulled by Agora

agora signup

  • To [[read]] the Agora, you don't need anything but a [[web browser]].
  • To [[contribute]] to the Agora, first you need to publish your [[digital garden]] or [[content]] elsewhere online. The Agora doesn't host your data, but rather pulls it from a location you control and renders it for you and other users; it interlinks it with that of other users.
    • If you know your way around [[git]], [[markdown]] on git is the default format. If you use [[roam]] or a [[roam like]] or you have a notes database, you're almost there.
    • Whatever participation mechanism you choose, you need to let an Agora [[maintainer]] know where your content is, so it can be pulled and [[integrated]]. We strive to continuously support new sources and formats.
      • You can send email to signup@anagora.org or reach out to a member of [[flancia collective]] with:
        • The URL of your repo or content.
        • Your desired username.
        • Confirmation that you agree to the Agora's [[contract]] (only the one by the @agora user; other contracts are optional).
      • Alternatively if you know your way around [[git]] you can send a PR for gardens.yaml in the Agora repo: [[go/agora]].
    • The Agora wants to be [[maximally inclusive]], but it is in its infancy; it is a [[work in progress]]. If you want to participate and can't, please also send email to signup@anagora.org to let us know.
      • Non-git sources and formats other than [[Markdown]] will be supported in the future; if you store your notes using some other system, please reach out.
      • Through projects such as [[agora twitter integration]], we hope to make the Agora available to anyone that has access to a social network account.
  • Please refer to [[agora install]] in case you want to run your own Agora; and to [[agora editor]] for more information on clients.
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As of [[2023-09-10]], I am working on updating this with the [[Fellowship of the Link]] as its intended audience.

What needs updating? Before diving into it, I would guess:

  1. Mention the diversity and interest that its community brings into the Commons. ~60/150 direct contributors as of the time of writing depending on how you count.
  2. Mention social media integration (Mastodon bot) and other venues for integration with the [[Fediverse]].
  3. Update screenshots (this will be a good opportunity to reconsider some of the changes introduced since 2021, likely).

What else would need to be added?

  1. Maybe a mention of the Agora chapter in the [[personal knowledge graphs]] book.
  2. A mention of upcoming work:
  • ActivityPub integration.
  • SQLite/more stateful Agora.
  • Oauth/other repository providers incoming.

Wikilinks stand for the intention to socially link.

  • Counter-argument 1: two square brackets is a lot of brackets.
    • Counter-counter-argument 1.1:

Counter argument in general: on the value of [[building bridges]] and doing meaningful work in the [[Commons]].

#Flancia is an entity of category [[protopoi]].

The #Agora is an entity of category [[Commons]].

(Here I took a detour to clean the kitchen and think of [[magnetic 3d printing]])

You can currently join an Agora in two ways:

  • Keep a [[digital garden]] and contribute it to the Agora in question, as defined by you and your friends with loving-kindness :)
  • Follow @agora@botsin.space in the Fediverse and start using [[agora protocol]] in public, or within earshot of the bot.

First services in the Commons:

  • Sharing.
  • Embedding.
  • Printing.
  • Format conversion.
  • Bridging,
    • meaning porting across all useful and pro-social combinations of formats/mediums/networks.

In the Agora your friends are the integration of your friendships over all participating social networks.

I searched for [[markdown to google slides]] and I found https://github.com/googleworkspace/md2googleslides thanks precisely to the Agora.

Love how the Agora is self-documenting ;)

On the importance of debate and voting in the Agora, in the Fediverse.

Node club.

Open letters.

⥅ node [[agora-social-bridge]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-social-media-integration]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-space]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-speed]] pulled by Agora
  • The Agora started very fast (it was pleasant) and then proceeded to get very slow (with features, but mostly really with the number of nodes+edges that it's handling, see stats in [[nodes]] if interested).
  • It could be fast again -- we just need to fix some issues :)
  • As of right now, very often the Agora takes almost 10s (!) to load some pages, particularly when under load. There's a variety of reasons this happens -- I could write about them here but right now I'd rather just go ahead and try to fix them ;)
    • Doing pomodoros today, [[2022-03-20]], to try to address this issue.
    • When starting benchmarking, dev.anagora.org/do is regularly taking 3.7s to load (measured with [[time curl]]). In production this is often longer, but this seems like a good test node (because of the amount of pushes it has, which I think is related to the slowdown).
      • The first load after restarting the dev server is often 10s, which is closer to what we'd see in prod (because it needs to load+process the whole Agora graph).
    • Same on [[2022-04-09]].
      • Increased organic traffic + crawler bot activity.
      • Changed number of workers (it seems more is not necessarily better, trying running with 10.)
      • Changed cache expiry to a random range to prevent thundering herd by workers hitting cache TTL in unison.
      • Cached calls to node().
      • I wonder if there's low hanging fruit remaining; dev.anagora.org just tends to feel so fast in comparison with prod, perhaps I'm missing where's the bottleneck. Will add debugging data.
      • HA.
      • The Agora workers were restarting very often, way more often than CACHE_TTL, because the bots that are causing most of the increase in load were also hitting URLs that produce 500s -- a nice favour really, as they call attention to an obvious bug we need to fix in [[journals]] (they link out to bad URLs due to an issue with the renderer), but in the meantime they were essentially nuking the performance of the Agora and making all the recent performance work not really take effect.
      • Now that this is fixed I can happily report that the Agora feels noticeably snappier :)
⥅ node [[agora-sync]] pulled by Agora
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⥅ node [[agora-talk-2021-06-04]] pulled by Agora
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⥅ node [[agora-todo]] pulled by Agora


add [[agora extension]] to chrome store

refactor agora js into [[clojurescript]]


[[fedwiki to agora markdown converter]] (clojure)



multi repo issue with bridge api

⥅ node [[agora-tree-example]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-trees]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-twitter-bug]] pulled by Agora

agora twitter bug

  File "./agora-bot.py", line 137, in get_conversation_id                                                    │·······
    return resp.json()['data'][0]['conversation_id']                                                         │·······
KeyError: 'data'                 
⥅ node [[agora-twitter-integration]] pulled by Agora

Agora Twitter Integration

  • [[pull]] [[agora social media integration]]
  • [[Twitter]] could integrate with the [[Agora]], or the other way around, in several seemingly productive ways.
  • One way would be to automatically pull tweets that use [[wikilink]]s as backlinks in the matching node.
  • Another way would be to automatically tweet blocks with [[action]] [[tweet]] for users which added twitter integration, like so:
    • [[tweet]] if you write a block like this, the Agora will tweet it (exactly once, etc.)
    • Probably should support scheduling, throttling, etc.
  • The [[agora]] will also auto-embed tweets by default. The following is a [[demo]].
⥅ node [[agora-ui]] pulled by Agora

[[Pasted image 20210516171838.png]]

⥅ node [[agora-user-perspective]] pulled by Agora

[[push]] [[agora rfcs]]

[[Agora user perspective]]

The [[Agora]] currently is slightly more [[consensus]]-prone than [[dissensus]]-prone. This has many benefits, but it also precludes ways to socialize dissensus.

[[User namespace]]s have already been implemented as agora/@user/node. We should build upon that and create user-centred perspectives of the Agora.

An agora has content which was built by consensus/convention/aggregation between its users. An agora/@user namespace builds upon the agora's content, but hides/marks certain content according to certain @user's [[agora action]]s.

This was inspired by [[@maya]]'s federated notes.

Block action

The block action means a specific node/subnode should not be linked in any way to another specific node/subnode.

Specific subnodes (@user/subnode) and nodes (node) can be blocked. All subnodes from another user can also be blocked (@user).

Possible syntaxes

We should have multiple conventions:


  • tag action: #block [[node]]

  • link action: [[block]] [[node]]

  • list:

      - [[block]]
      	- [[@user]]
      	- [[node]]
      	- [[node]]
      	- [[@user/subnode]]
      - #block 
      	- [[node]]
      	- [[node]]
      	- [[node]]
      	- [[@user]]

Front matter

  • Markdown front matter: agora-block: node
  • HTML data attribute: data-agora-block='node'

Hide action

The hide action means a specific node/subnode/user should not appear on this user perspective.

Specific subnodes (@user/subnode) and nodes (node) can be hideed. An user can also be hideed (@user).

The hide action can be interpreted as a global block: none of my nodes and subnodes should be linked in any way to an user's nodes and subnodes.

Possible syntaxes

We should have multiple conventions:


  • tag action: #hide [[node]]

  • link action: [[hide]] [[node]]

  • list:

      - [[hide]]
      	- [[@user]]
      	- [[node]]
      	- [[node]]
      	- [[@user/subnode]]
      - #hide 
      	- [[node]]
      	- [[node]]
      	- [[node]]
      	- [[@user]]

Front matter

  • Markdown front matter: agora-hide: node

  • HTML data attribute: data-agora-hide='node'

  • (in the future) [[agora garden yaml file]]:

      	- node
      	- node
      	- user/subnode
      	- user:
      		- subnode
      		- subnode
      	- user

(WIP) Agree/Disagree action

(WIP) Like/Dislike action

⥅ node [[agora-v0-5]] pulled by Agora

Agora V0.5

  • The v0.5 is:
    • Foam/Obsidian based notes forming a personal digital garden.
    • Hosted in a public or private repository, by default git.
    • Federated/interlinked using a conventional scheme, plus a set of ancillary tools (scripts).
    • Integrated with go links/URL redirectors.
  • See also: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1315312902090391553


  • Craft 'agora' repo (base repo):
  • Foam
    • Explore how to implement [[context]].
      • A [[context]] is a set of notes that are considered as relevant at any given moment (they are shown one after the other if there is more than one match for a query, etc.)
      • A [[context]] is defined with an algebra that operates over Agora entities.
  • Settle open questions
    • What does '->' mean as used above?
    • git submodule?
    • git subtree?
    • Trying this first.
    • something else?
  • Create 'Agora' Twitter account.
  • [[an_agora]]
⥅ node [[agora-v1]] pulled by Agora

Agora V1

  • Superseded by [[Agora v0.5]] for now.
  • See also: https://flancia.org/go/agora-v1 [[doc]].
  • This is a note I will use to track implementation ideas for the v1 of the [[Agora]].
  • Scratch that :) the v0.5 is:
    • Foam/Obsidian based notes forming a personal digital garden.
    • Hosted in a public or private repository, by default git.
    • Federated/interlinked using a conventional scheme, plus a set of ancillary tools (scripts).
    • Integrated with go links/URL redirectors.
  • From conversation with [[dyokomizo]]: would be interesting to track characteristics/traits of conversations as they evolve. Does non-escalation lead to better discourse? Does escalation really lead more often/quickly to violence?
⥅ node [[agora-version]] pulled by Agora

Agora Version

⥅ node [[agora-versioning]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agora-vscode]] pulled by Agora

Agora Vscode

  • A [[vscode]] extension for the [[Agora]].
  • Builds on top of [[foam]], which focuses on tools for building and maintaining [[digital garden]]s.
  • The Agora extension focuses on tools for building and maintaining digital forests (or groves; or topiaries?) assembled out of many digital gardens.
⥅ node [[agora-walkthrough]] pulled by Agora
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        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
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Agora Wiki

  • How to best integrate wiki (community editable subnodes) into the [[agora]]?
    • [[etherpad]], perhaps with a wikilink extension
      • [[hackpad]], not maintained but potentially viable
    • [[gollum]]
⥅ node [[agora-yaml]] pulled by Agora

Agora Yaml

  • A [[file]].
    • You can put in your garden to configure how Agoras interact with it.
    • … theoretically :) I've talked about implementing this for quite long but as of [[2023-01-11]] it hasn't happened.
    • I want to prioritize this in [[2023]].
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⥅ node [[agora4g]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agorabot]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agorai]] pulled by Agora
⥅ node [[agorans]] pulled by Agora

My list of people contributing to the [[agora]] development (separate from [[agora]] garden members)

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⥅ node [[the-agora]] pulled by Agora
📖 stoas
⥱ context